Chapter 106 Three Major Departments

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Andrew remembered that the main gate of the corridor should have been an electronic lock, but because of the shortage of electricity, it was replaced with a cold mechanical lock.

"501! aunt, it's me, Andrew!" Andrew pushed and shoved the anti-theft iron door a few times, looking up and shouting.

After a while, a head finally appeared on the fifth floor, blurry and unclear. Andrew quickly waved his hand and shouted, "Come down and open the door quickly, it's me, Andrew!"

The figure seemed startled and quickly retreated. Andrew waited dumbfounded for a while, but the person never came out, and even the lights suddenly went out!

Andrew was taken aback. Were they scared or was there something else going on?

He shouted a few more times, and although people on the other floors secretly peeked, there was still no response from his aunt's house.

"Young man, stop shouting. No one dares to come down and open the door at night." An elderly refugee sitting nearby said weakly. Not only on the street, but there were refugees lying all over the neighborhood as well.

Andrew didn't believe it. As long as his aunt heard his voice, she would definitely come down and open the door. Could something really have happened?

The joy he just had from getting off the car had long disappeared into an ice cellar. No, he had to go up and find out what was going on.

Andrew took out the Thousand Defeat Sword, and with a swish, the sharp blade of the Thousand Defeat Sword instantly cut through the lock. Holding the long sword, Andrew rushed upstairs.

Duan Danian, who was leaning against the car door, had also noticed that something was wrong. He stubbed out his cigarette and waved his hand, saying, "Sun Qian, come up with me. The rest of you watch the car."

Andrew was anxious and fast, even the little tiger, who was known for his speed, could barely keep up with him.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Andrew climbed up to the fifth floor in one breath and urgently knocked on the door.

"Aunt, are you in there?" Andrew anxiously shouted, unable to contain his worry. He took out a flashlight from his bag and shone it on his face, pointing it at the peephole, and said, "Look, it's really me, Andrew!"

Finally, there was a slight movement in the peephole, and a stranger's voice came from behind the door, "Who are you? We don't know you, please leave."

Andrew's heart sank. He restrained himself and calmed down. Perhaps it was a relative on his uncle's side that he didn't know either. So he said in a deep voice, "I am Chu Han's nephew. Please open the door or let my aunt, uncle, Xiaotian, or Xiaoyi come out to see me."

There was a low conversation inside, but it wasn't very clear. After a while, the same cold voice came again, "We don't know the people you mentioned. Please leave quickly!"

"Don't know? Then who are you, and how did you end up in my relative's house!?" Andrew couldn't help but speak in a stern voice.

The people inside didn't say anything.

Andrew became even more anxious. Could someone have taken over his relative's house? In this chaotic era, anything was possible!

He immediately picked up the Thousand Defeat Sword and effortlessly cut off the door lock. With a strong pull, "clatter"

The people inside exclaimed in surprise, and there were also many voices of confusion and panic.

Andrew held a flashlight in his left hand and a sword in his right hand as he stepped into the door.

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