Chapter 158 Refusing to Create Gods

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"Bro Chu, Bro Mantra, the people from the command center are here," Ye Qisheng knocked on the meeting room door. Softly said.

"Let them wait in the outside meeting room, we will see them later," Andrew finished the meat soup in his bowl in one gulp, stood up suddenly and said to Mantra, "How many brothers have we lost in total?"

This question was the most important one he wanted to ask since the conversation with Mantra started. However, for some reason, every time it was about to come out, he couldn't bring himself to ask, afraid of hearing too much bad news.

"Eight! We've lost a total of eight brothers," Mantra sighed softly.

Andrew's heart twitched suddenly, his hands clenched into fists tightly, for a long time. Finally, he shook them loose, took a long breath, and said, "Have the bodies been found?"

"We found five, but there are three that we couldn't retrieve," Mantra said with a flicker in his eyes.

"Find a place to bury them, treat their families favorably when distributing resources in the future!" Andrew had a strong conviction towards these brothers who had fought alongside him, his goal was to bury their bodies. He had seen too many bodies left in the wilderness, dragged around like dead dogs, and most of the bodies were left unhurried.

This could be considered the last thing the living could do for the dead.

"It's been taken care of, you can rest assured about that," Mantra nodded.


"Chu Big Brother, let me introduce, this is Mr. Zheng, the secretary of the command center!" Accompanied by Zhu Lingdie, when Andrew approached, she stood up from her chair and pointed to a tall, skinny middle-aged man, introducing.

"Mr. Chu, it's an honor to meet you!" Zheng smiled professionally.

"I wonder, Secretary Zheng, what brings you here so early to see me?" Andrew lit a cigarette, sat far away from him, and said casually.

"Mr. Chu, I represent the command center this time, and I have only one purpose in coming!" Zheng glanced at Zhu Lingdie, sat back down, put away his smile, and said solemnly.

"Speak!" Andrew leaned back in his chair, gesturing with his hand.

"To create gods." Zheng took out a sealed envelope labeled as top-secret from his briefcase, looked at Andrew intently, and said firmly.

"To create gods?" Andrew showed a puzzled expression, he really didn't know what Zheng was up to, which was different from his original speculation.

"Yes, to create gods! Mr. Chu, let me ask you a bold question: what is the most important thing for Jinling City now?" Zheng asked Andrew openly, but his eyes scanned the entire room, seemingly waiting for an answer.

Andrew looked at him without changing his expression, not saying a word, this kind of question didn't need an answer at all, Zheng was just trying to take control of the conversation.

The one asking questions always takes the lead, guiding the one answering in circles step by step until reaching their own goal. After all, Andrew has had a few years of experience dealing with clients.

The other two people in the room, Mantra and Zhu Lingdie, were not fools, so naturally, no one answered him.

Zheng didn't feel embarrassed, chuckled and said, "For the current situation in Jinling City, food, weapons, ammunition, and dark warriors, everyone should agree that these are all very important. But are they the most important? No!"

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