Chapter 144 Sealing Golden Beetles

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"The reinforcements of the Black Warriors from the Fifth Main Force have arrived. Brothers, let's kill the Beetles together!" shouted the commander of the First Battalion of the Second Main Force, lifting his machine gun and rushing towards the incoming insects.

If one were to describe the Western defense battlefield of the Fifth Main Force as brutal, then here in the Southern sector, words fail to capture the intensity.

Progressing over human and insect corpses, the determination of advancing is not dictated by your legs but by who among the humans and insects locked in mutual combat in front of you will fall first!

The defense line in the southern district, with the second, third, and seventy-third main divisions jointly defending, is far superior in strength compared to the fifth and ninth main divisions in the western district. Their enemies are also much more numerous than those in the western district, with no Yangtze River barrier, and the ground is swarming with approaching red armored beetle swarms.

The carefully constructed first line of defense has completely collapsed, and now the second line of defense is being fiercely defended. Even so, there are three gaps torn open in the formation of the second main division.

"Starting from the left, the first gap belongs to the first team, the second gap to the second team, and the third gap to the third team! The fourth team, follow me to support elsewhere!" Zhu Lingdie jumped out of the car and immediately assigned tasks. The fourth team had already selected a new team leader after the big battle.

Andrew, holding a submachine gun, led his remaining troops forward, with little tiger closely following.

Among those fighting in the gap, Andrew recognized one person, Shen Shaoze, who had previously shared rations with Zhu Lingdie at the small station. Shen Shaoze was now covered in injuries and blood, but it was unclear whether it was his own blood or someone else's.

When Andrew arrived, Shen Shaoze was already surrounded by four red armored beetles, with a green armored beetle swooping down from the sky, his life hanging by a thread!


Reloaded with bullets, Andrew's submachine gun shot out tongues of fire, shooting down the green armored beetle in the sky and plunging it into the swarm of red armored beetles, rescuing the exhausted Shen Shaoze.

Following up, Jack and Lu Yu, used their combined skills, swiftly suppressing the surge of insects.

"Is it you? Thank you," Shen Shaoze almost losing consciousness.

"Take him away." Andrew threw Shen Shaoze to his comrades besieged by red armored beetles, quickly giving orders.

The gap in the defense line stretched over thirty meters, with insects piling on top of each other and rushing in, surging and overwhelming.

"Ice Warriors, use the bodies of the insects to seal the gap on the spot! First Squad, defend against the aerial fireballs and green armored beetles! Second and Third Squads, work together to push the insects out!" Andrew shouted loudly. The task of intercepting the fireballs had to be left to Kechao Wu and little tiger, while Andrew focused on using his submachine gun to block the gap as quickly as possible!

Over thirty Ice Warriors acted together, freezing all the live red armored beetles on the gap, even freezing Andrew's feet in the ice!

"Lu Guolong, quick! Reinforce the defense line!" Andrew broke through the ice with one foot, leaped onto the top of the ice wall, and fiercely shot at the red armored beetles relentlessly climbing outside!

Needless to say, the Black Warrior Corps of the second main division also tried to freeze the gap with ice, but the key was that before it could be fully sealed, new red armored beetles quickly broke through.

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