Chapter 26 Encounter with Hooligans

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On the way back, chaotic crowds could be seen everywhere, gathering in a panic. At the slightest movement, they blindly ran, creating a scene of chaos.

Andrew hurriedly returned to the neighborhood and encountered two bugs on the way, which he quickly killed.

A lot of people had also gathered at the entrance of Building 8 in the neighborhood, holding torches. Aunt Zhang from the neighborhood committee and a man from the tenth floor were standing on top of a Volkswagen Passat.

Andrew retracted his battle armor and as he approached, he heard the man from the tenth floor shouting excitedly, "Don't panic, everyone! Children, elderly, and women walk in the middle, while men walk in the front and back. Use whatever weapons you have, bring as much food and water from home as you can, and if there are people with fuel in their cars who are willing to walk with us, they can join us. If not, let us know now. We need to act together. I hope everyone can cooperate with me and Aunt Zhang. At this time, we must unite, only by uniting can we have hope!"

"Sunny, what do you think we should do? I agree to act together!"

"As long as the children are safe, my whole family is willing!"

"I also agree to act together. Damn it, we can fight with bugs if we have to!"


People were talking excitedly, except for a few individuals with different ideas, everyone else agreed.

Andrew estimated that in the eyes of others, he was considered a young and strong man, as someone quickly approached him to join their group. He had to say that he had already joined another team and had only come back to collect some things.

In fact, there was not much left, just some scattered daily necessities. He quickly packed them up. When he was about to leave, Andrew felt a myriad of emotions in his heart. It was in this house that he cultivated his vitality for the first time, successfully crafted his first elemental symbol, killed the red-armored bug for the first time, and tempered his battle armor and sword for the first time... So many firsts, as if this house was the starting point for him entering the dark era!

Andrew seemed to have a strange feeling that one day he would return to this house.

This idea was too inexplicable. Andrew shook his head and strode out of Building 8. In a daze, he felt as if he was a fish entering a river, a dragon diving into the sea!

Andrew's first target was a medium-sized 711 convenience stores. Most of the convenience stores in the city had already been looted many times by hungry crowds risking their lives. Only a few places were still occupied by a large number of red-armored bugs, and there were still some supplies.

Andrew regretted all the way. Since the start of the dark era, he had always been thinking about bugs and improving his own strength. The food he had obtained during the sunny era was enough for him to eat, so he never prioritized collecting food. It was only now that he was evacuating that he remembered to gather more things, and they had to be free!

But regret was useless in the end. Although most of the convenience stores had been looted, he still knew several places where bugs had been spotted, where he had been searching for lone red-armored bugs.

This 711 supermarket was located at a crossroads. When Andrew first came, there were only four bugs. At that time, Andrew could only flee or risk his life against them. Now, it was the perfect target.

Although there were only four bugs, Andrew didn't dare to be careless. He activated his battle armor and began his usual stealthy approach. Sometimes, he even felt that he had been stimulated by bugs back then, and this habit had gradually become a subconscious behavior.

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