Chapter 139 City-Wide Military Mobilization

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A night of chaos!

There seemed to be a hint of a bloody scent in the air.

As the insect soldiers approached the city, the psychological defense of some refugees collapsed instantly, leading to city-wide riots. Under the stern suppression of the central command, calm was eventually restored overnight.

The next day.

Andrew left the only unregistered Sophie in the building, in case another wave of refugee collapses occurred, she could at least hold on until he returned. None of the guns and ammunition belonging to Mantra and Duan Danian were taken away. They could come in handy during a crisis.

Led by Andrew, over thirty Dark Warriors marched to the frontlines of the western district, conserving what little gasoline remained.

To Andrew's surprise, not far from the gate, he met Lu Yaming, who seemed to have not slept all night. With the help of many soldiers, he set up a long platform in the shantytown, with red paper and yellow characters succinctly stating: Emergency Military Conscription!

Upon further inquiry, Andrew learned that the third order from the central command had been issued: city-wide military mobilization!

Join the military to receive food, participate in the front lines to have weapons!

Andrew passed several zones in a row, all organizing military conscription.

The flags of the Ninth Main Force and the Fifth Main Force were flying high at various conscription points in the cold.

Amidst the clamor of trumpets, uplifting marches resonated, stirring up passionate emotions.

Some conscription points even had military personnel in uniform singing loudly:

Some conscription points even had military personnel in uniform singing loudly:

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"Come, come, come, come, come... If you don't carry a gun, who will defend our mothers, who will defend our homes!"

It wasn't just that. Andrew and his group turned onto a slightly wider street, where a group of young people walked towards them under the escort of the police, carrying banners and chanting slogans!

The leader, a student-like young man wearing glasses, hoarsely shouted:

"Pledged to defend Jingling City until the death!"

"Fight the insects to the end!"

"Never give up! Humanity will prevail!"

"Do not be a coward, pledge to be a hero!"

With each shout, the people behind him raised their arms and shouted, their loud voices shaking the earth and piercing the sky.

Unfortunately, the hungry and weak refugees on the roadside watched them like a play. Their eyes were filled with hunger and weakness. The inspiring slogans were far less practical than the promise of food provided at the conscription points.

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