Chapter 145 The Gun King was injured

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When the insect tide receded the next day, the Southern Line's defenses were reinforced, and the battlefield was busy with clearing bodies and rescuing the injured.

Andrew and others were exhausted but continued working. The Ninth Main Force's Black Martial Independent Corps, especially Lu Guolong, joined the reinforcement work under Andrew's urging.

Fortunately, the second main force regiment, which was withdrawn from the front line last night, took over the defense after resting.

Andrew and others have been fighting hard since yesterday. Already tired and exhausted, they sat down regardless of the bloodstains and insect corpses on the ground, and shared the food sent by the logistics personnel of the second main force regiment.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Andrew here?" A military officer with glasses, carrying a briefcase, politely asked. The political commissar repeatedly instructed him to invite people to the regiment headquarters politely.

"It's me!" Andrew, at the back of the crowd, leaned against the gap blocked by frozen insect corpses, stealing qi from the insect corpse squad.

"Mr. Chu, hello, I am Qiu Shaoqin, the regiment commander of the second main force regiment. Commander Yang asked me to invite you to the regiment headquarters," Qiu Shaoqin said, adjusting his glasses.

Andrew frowned. He was too tired to speak now and was seizing the opportunity to absorb the vital energy from the insect corpses. This vital energy would vanish if not absorbed in time, making this time extremely precious. He resisted sleep and concentrated on absorbing the vital energy, how could he have time to chat with a regiment commander?

Besides, he had already learned from Banshijun that the second main force regiment was where Du Qishan's regiment was located, and they knew quite a bit about him. If they were to ask him to bomb graves again, both sides would be embarrassed.

"I'm eating right now, I'll come over after resting for a bit!" Andrew responded lukewarmly, waiting for the energy absorption of the worm's corpse to be completed, he would find an excuse to head to the west area defense line. He would have his large group return to their own territory first, it didn't matter if the division commander was present or not.

"Chu Mr., can we do it now?" Qiu Shaoqin wanted to continue but saw Andrew's eyes wandering, as if he was already resting. He was taken aback, slightly furrowing his brows. Even though he was the Gun King, he had never shown such an attitude before.

However, both the political commissar and the division commander had given instructions. Qiu Shaoqin smiled awkwardly, looking somewhat helpless.

As Qiu Shaoqin left, another group of people arrived. The one at the front, Andrew looked very familiar, even before reaching him, the person opened his mouth excitedly, "Bro Chu, what they said is true. You really didn't die!"

Andrew couldn't help but feel puzzled, it seemed like everyone who saw him had to say these words, as if he should have died! Being alive seemed abnormal.

Professor Sun was like this, Mantra was like this, Jack was like this. Bansijun was like this, and now this person in front of him. He had realized that it was Qian Deduo, the leader of the fifth group of the Dong Shen University's security team, still the same!

"How come you're here?" Andrew quickly changed the subject. Others were fine, but Qian Deduo's big mouth, starting from "half a sausage", he had experienced it before. If he was allowed to dwell on the matter of life and death, who knows how long he would ramble on.

"Ah, our Dong Shen University was retreating with the second main force division, so naturally, we followed them to Jinling City, Chu. You don't know, on our way here......" Qian Deduo sat on the ground, ignoring Andrew's astonished expression.

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