chapter 21 Defeating the Tentacle Monster

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Tentacle Monster

Andrew didn't hesitate

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Andrew didn't hesitate. He immediately put away his crossbow and switched to a handgun.

His numerous experiences of escaping death told him that no matter how dangerous or terrifying the situation, even if the world was crumbling, he should never panic. If he panicked, everything would be over!

Now that this thing was blocking his way, the only option was to fight to the death. Regardless of what kind of monster it was, if he wanted to survive, he had to fight until the end!

The crossbow didn't pose much of a threat to this long, slender thing. Not to mention how difficult it was to hit, even if he did hit, that long, thick tube-like thing might not be completely frozen.

The handgun might not be able to hit either, but it had the advantage of using fire elemental bullets that could burn everything. He hoped it would be able to hold them off for a while.

Without waiting for this creature to make the first move, Andrew immediately started shooting. He absolutely didn't believe that this thing had any friendly intentions.

The tentacles with the fleshy growths skillfully dodged the bullets shot by Andrew, hurriedly retreated, and at the same time, two more tentacles extended from the walls of the passage. These three tentacles were as thick as adult thighs and rotated around each other as they surrounded him.

Andrew didn't have many options at this point. He spent a portion of his elemental energy, shooting in all directions, trying to ignite the elemental fire and burn off these tentacles.

Faced with the powerful fire elemental bullets from Andrew, the three tentacles immediately split into two, waving their bodies to block Andrew's bullets in a suicidal manner. Even though Andrew could smell the strong burnt smell, one of the tentacles still stubbornly blocked all the bullets!

The tentacles were very agile, especially the one that took on the attacking role while being protected. It was almost like a flexible water snake and quickly wrapped around Andrew's body!

Relying on the defense of the Six-Armor Elemental Symbol and the expansion of his elemental energy, Andrew struggled a few times to break free, but was caught again.

When the fourth and fifth tentacles appeared, Andrew almost despaired. He was tightly bound from head to toe, his bullets were all gone, and his hands were too tightly restrained to change the magazine.

The soft tentacles estimated that Andrew no longer had any ability to resist, so they dragged him towards the inpatient department.

Suppressing his panic, Andrew's brain searched for a way to escape.

The inpatient department of the community hospital had only four floors in height, but it was quite spacious. As soon as Andrew was dragged in, three floors had already been broken through. The walls were covered in sticky liquid, connecting the entire building into one, emitting a faint green light, like a moss-covered cave.

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