Chapter 62 The Ambush Begins

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After listening to him, Jack jumped up and angrily cursed, "You guys are really a bunch of animals!"

When Jack scolded them, The scruffy man and his men shivered and dared not retort, only begging for mercy while kneeling on the ground.

Jack's face turned cold as he said to Andrew, "Bro Chu, these bastards have no humanity left. Keeping them will only bring disaster!"

Although Andrew had killed many people, he had not yet fallen to the inhuman level of using these women to lure flesh insects. He nodded and said, "Indeed, they should die. You deal with them, I'll go get the bow!"

The scruffy man and the others were shocked. Boss jiang had always done things this way before, and they thought the new master would continue to do so. However, Andrew and Jack completely disregarded their suggestion. They realized that begging would be useless, so they climbed up and tried to escape in all directions.

However, these people couldn't outrun the awakened Jack. In no time, they were all killed by Jack's wheels of fire, which frightened the women nearby who screamed in fear.

Andrew went down to the second floor and searched the room but couldn't find a crossbow, only some bows. He collected all of them into his dimensional storage, not leaving a single arrow behind.

He was not familiar with bows, but he couldn't be picky now. He could only practice slowly in the future.

Andrew spread out the map of Kun City, marking the four places he had been with numbers 1-4. He didn't know which area Commander Du and the others were in. For now, he could only hope to encounter them or follow the traces left by Mantra to find them and continue to track them.

He was just one step away from advancing a little further, accumulating enough energy to deal with eleven Red-armored beetles. Taking advantage of the gap in searching for Commander Du and the others, he might be able to kill a few Red-eyed Monsters, allowing Thousand Defeat Sword to absorb more of their blue mist.

Andrew found the insect meat brought back by Boss Jiang disgusting, so he had Jack distribute it to the women and let them escape for their lives. Andrew took Jack and sneaked into the mist again.

His plan was to ambush the Red-eyed Monsters if possible. If not, he would kill a few and quickly pass through the mist wall. As long as they passed through multiple times, they would eventually lose track of them.

Andrew's archery skills were terrible, but luckily he only used energy to shoot. He still had many arrows left, and the defense of a single Red-eyed Monster couldn't be too high. He only needed to consume a small amount of energy to freeze them to death.

Originally, he planned to climb up the trees for the ambush, but after hearing scruffy man's words, he realized that there might be other monsters in those towering trees. It was better to deal with these Red-eyed Monsters on the lower level. If he couldn't defeat them, he could always run away.

Continuously crossing several blocks, Andrew still hasn't seen Captain Du and the others. He suspects that Captain Du might be hiding somewhere at the moment. After all, they can't get out of the fog wall, and it would be better for them to find a place to study carefully, considering they have so many scientists.

After two days of effort, Andrew with Jack, has been running and hiding on the surface of the city, dividing the nine major blocks of the fog wall clearly. They change their pattern every twelve hours, and Andrew has experienced it. He admits that he doesn't have the ability to break this pattern.

He also picked up a lot of the dead bodies of the red armored beetles, which he can use to repair the big hole on his battle armor.

Andrew has also witnessed the meat worm mentioned by scruffy man. It is a white creature with a straight intestinal cavity that is nearly ten meters long. It doesn't have a head, only two mouths, and he can't tell which mouth it uses for eating and which one it uses for excretion! Andrew only knows that with his current abilities, he can only kill at most two of these monsters! No wonder Boss Jiang wants to make a bomb that uses human flesh as energy. Only by detonating an energy bomb inside it with fire elemental energy can this monster lose its attacking ability. Then,Boss Jiang's eight awakened subordinates dare to approach and attack it.

What's even more terrifying to Andrew is the monsters that occasionally swoop down from the upper layer of these plants. They are covered in flames, like fire monsters composed of pure fire elemental energy. When they swoop down, Andrew has seen the meat worm and the red-eyed monsters barely withstand their attacks. Even a team of five awakened people will be wiped out by their fire elemental energy attacks in the blink of an eye.

Andrew estimates that with his current battle armor, six armor symbols, and the thickness of Qi that has just reached eleven quantities, under the attack of these flame monsters, he is nothing! Unless he steps into the Level 2, he will die a hundred times if he encounters a flame monster like this one.

"Just four steps left," Andrew silently counts in his heart. As long as he exercises his body thirty-two more times, he will reach the peak of the One Element Heaven. By then, with the help of the rules and techniques in the ancient book, he will break through the Level 1 and reach the realm of the Level 2.

In the Level 2, not only can he display true sword fighting skills, what attracts him even more is the lowest level of the third-ranked sealing beast symbol that he recently understood. It can actually seal dying monsters within the symbol body and manifest them to assist him in battle. As long as he has enough symbols, he can seal enough monsters!

By then, with the addition of other attack-oriented elemental symbols and sword fighting skills, Andrew believes that even if he can't kill the terrifying fire monster, at least there will be no problem escaping.

He already has nearly ten elemental symbols with chaotic ice and fire patterns, most of which were accumulated from the red-eyed monsters after killing Boss Jiang's group and absorbing their Qi.

The blue ripple patterns on the Thousand Defeat Sword haven't noticeably improved, and Andrew doesn't dare to use it to experiment on the meat worm. After all, that fire monster's main food is those meat worms. If he accidentally encounters the fire monster, he won't have a chance to live.

One red-armored beetle can provide him with a flame pattern, while a red-eyed monster can provide at most one-fifth of an ice pattern. The difference is so large that Andrew feels a bit discouraged.

The only advantage is that when surrounded by red-eyed monsters, he can use the fog wall to shake off their pursuit. Outside, if he encounters a group of red-armored beetles beyond his abilities, he can only rely on his two legs and race against the bugs.

Andrew is currently in what he named as District 3. Captain Du and the others were found by him three hours ago. They hurriedly left a resting place and he doesn't know where they are going. However, they are currently under the attack of countless red-eyed monsters.

This is the opportunity that Andrew has been waiting for a long time. He greeted Jack and the two of them sneaked into a nearby building. They didn't dare to climb too high, only on the third floor, they opened the window and faced Captain Du and his team who were fighting desperately below.

Andrew asked Jack to take care of the security around them, while he pulled the bow. An ice arrow made up of pure energy formed on the bow. Andrew only infused one-fifth of his elemental energy into it. His goal was to trap the enemy, so he didn't need enough energy to kill them. Besides, he knew that his archery skills were not good. If he missed the shot, it would be a huge waste of elemental energy.

At this time, he aimed the arrow at one of the closest companions of the man with a long face. The icy arrow flew out.


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