Chapter 66 Plan

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Andrew had already regained his senses at this point. He realized that he had caused a big trouble. He wasn't worried about leaking any secrets. This rule was just a small rule among the countless rules in the ancient books, and it was still in its primary form. What he was worried about was the fact that he, an ordinary person, had created something that even the professors couldn't create. It would be absurd to think that no one would have doubts!

Professor Fang suddenly shouted, grabbing Professor Sun excitedly, "Sun, isn't this the topic I argued and was later executed for yesterday!? Who changed it!? Quickly, tell me who changed it!"

When Professor Sun was reminded of this, he suddenly remembered the culprit and quickly grabbed Andrew, saying anxiously, "It's him! Young man, don't go! Please tell us how you made this thing!"

Andrew settled his mind and thought quickly. After a moment, he spoke, "Professor Sun, do you think a person like me, who graduated from an ordinary university, could come up with such a thing? It was purely accidental. Whether you believe it or not, that's really how it happened."

He regretted it now, feeling that he had acted recklessly at that time. A sense of exhilaration overwhelmed him, leaving no room for other considerations.

Professor Sun looked at Andrew as if he were looking at a prehistoric monster. Sometimes shaking his head, sometimes marveling, he couldn't convince Andrew to admit anything and only acknowledged it as a blind guess. However, this reason was too far-fetched, and not many people seemed to believe it.

Professor Fang, unwilling to give up, tried to extract something from Andrew's mouth, but Andrew coldly rebuffed him. Professor Fang felt embarrassed and continued his deduction silently with the paper in his hand.

Even Miss Zhao, who had always kept her distance from him, curiously approached, observing Andrew with a mix of vigilance and curiosity.

Andrew had shocked them all. He had already learned from Professor Sun that the energy force field diagram constructed by Professor Fang had been under construction for a long time, but ultimately couldn't be deduced. He thought he had made a mistake in direction and gave up reluctantly.

The significance of this graphic to their research work is like the cornerstone of a building. It has extremely significant implications for the establishment of new physics after the appearance of dark energy. According to Professor Sun, if Andrew can explain the meaning of those strange characters representing equations and combine them with this pattern, he might even be able to apply for the Nobel Prize in Physics in the Age of Sunshine!

Andrew smirked and said, "Nobel Prize? I'm afraid those princes and princesses of the Swedish royal family are still hiding in the corner, trembling in fear of the bugs outside!"

He didn't intend to get entangled in this issue, so he quickly reminded Du Qishan, who was also becoming more and more curious about him, "Captain Du, time is running out. Please arrange for them to explain how to break through the fog barrier!"

Captain Du nodded. If they couldn't safely evacuate Kun City, any research achievements would be worthless. He cleared his throat and said loudly, "Everyone, everyone, let's discuss how to break through the fog barrier. It's extremely dangerous outside now. I hope everyone can unite and contribute ideas to leave Kun City as soon as possible!"

His words poured cold water on the scientists, and the once passionate atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Professor Fang stood up and said seriously, "The model of the Nine Palace Fog Barrier has been established, and the equations for derivation have also been successfully deduced. The problem now is not the order, but how to quickly destroy the fog source bodies in the nine regions. The time must be controlled within twelve hours, otherwise the fog source bodies will regenerate and the fog barrier will restart. Concerning this, I would like Professor Sun to explain."

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