Chapter 129 The World of Insects

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...Just run away if he feel like it. Andrew wasn't planning on causing trouble for him. It was best if Sharp didn't provoke him, but even if he did, Andrew wasn't afraid of him, even if he was the Ice King.

Mantra had already sent people to inquire. Several days ago, Sharp and the Ice King went with the army commander out of the city to raid a larger national grain reserve station. They might not be back for a while.

He was most worried not about these black warriors, but the mysterious cloaked figures and the monster bugs outside the city.

If the monster seen at the outpost was truly the mother bug, it meant the monsters were preparing to establish themselves on Earth!

The Sky Track passage, also known as the "Mirror Wall," was not only present at the outpost. Apart from the city of Shen, which was known for its terrifying name, there were several such passages there, probably already turned into the nest of bugs!

Once these mother bugs adapted to the Earth's environment and multiplied rapidly, expanding the number of bugs to a terrifying level, they would eventually swarm Jinling City again. Imagine layers of red-armored beetles on the ground, sky covered in Green-armored beetles, and the underground teeming with gold-armored beetles. That would be the greatest crisis for Jinling City!

When the time comes, whether Jinling City can hold on is uncertain. Maybe he would need to flee again, and now, with his aunt and her family, he was no longer alone. If Jinling City really falls, escaping will be much more difficult than before.

The information about the suspected mother bug at the outpost has probably already been reported to the headquarters by Zhu Lingdie, so Andrew didn't need to worry about it. The situation was deteriorating rapidly, and the headquarters would sooner or later re-initiate the recruitment of Dark Warriors. After all, if the city falls, everyone will be doomed, and the brief period of mild policy is likely coming to an end.

Andrew hoped that Jinling City could hold on. It was almost the only surviving human city in the nearby provinces. Once it falls, the consequences will be unimaginable!

For now, there is still some time. Even if the reproductive rate of the bugs exceeds human imagination, reaching the level where they can take over Jinling City in one fell swoop will still take some time. Andrew once again felt the urgency of time. He had to make the most of this time, whether to defend against the bugs' attack on the front line or to prepare for another escape if resistance fails.

He was just a little puzzled. With so many bugs, what exactly do they feed on to breed such a large population? Like the tentacle monsters that feed on human bodies, the flesh-eating bugs that feed on the red-eyed demon carpet, each has its source. However, it seems that monsters like the Red Beetle, besides enjoying sucking human brains, don't seem to have much interest in human bodies. How exactly do they survive?

Andrew actually wanted to pass through that "mirror wall" passage to see the world of bugs and how they survive!

According to ancient times, it is two-way. Bugs can drill through, and humans can also drill through. The only difference is that the weaker the energy of a creature, the easier it is to pass through the mirror wall, while the stronger it is, the more difficult it is to pass through!

This is also the most difficult part. When the power is weak, passing through the passage is of no use. When it comes to the world of bugs, that bit of strength is probably not even enough to return, let alone observe! When the power is strong, it may not even be possible to pass through!

But thinking about this now is premature. Andrew realizes that he does not have the ability yet and there is no need to go to the world of bugs. The danger there is probably ten times greater than on Earth, maybe even more, and it is completely beyond what he can do now.

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