Chapter 168 Finding Your Own Path

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Whether it was Mantra's "who will eventually win" or Zhu Lingdie's desired "right path," those were not Andrew's original intentions. He simply wanted to survive in this apocalyptic era.

Mantra hoped to create something of his own in the end, while Zhu Lingdie wished for him to follow everyone else in restoring "order."

With threats from insects outside and "non-humans" within, unrest inside and out, there was no peaceful place left in Jinling City.

He stayed awake all night, gazing up at the endless darkness, suddenly feeling tired of living, perhaps the dead were happier.

However, humans are reluctant to die, and he was no exception.

If the ancient books were passed down to Mantra, Andrew believed that he would eventually dominate the city of Jinling and establish his "new order"; if the ancient books were passed down to Zhu Lingdie, Andrew believed that she would definitely use the book to restore the original "order" of Jinling City.

Andrew is well aware of his own weight and abilities. In the Age of Enlightenment, he was just an ordinary office worker, if not for the ancient family books passed down to him to protect him. He would probably have long been a corpse in the city of terror.

As for Mantra, Zhu Lingdie, and others, they were all prominent figures in the upper class society during the Age of Enlightenment, a world of difference compared to him.

Perhaps at some point, Zhu Lingdie, with her illustrious family background, driving a top luxury car, zooming past him, wouldn't even spare a glance at this commoner like him, much less seek the protection of a plain folk like him, not to mention Marguerite, a hot superstar.

However, he did not swell with pride and vanity because of this. He understood that the fundamental reason for all this was that he possessed an ancient book, a book that his ancestors had preserved with countless efforts and even lives for thousands of years. For them, the ancient book was of no use, just a family heirloom. But for Andrew, this book had become his only reliance for life and death.

Yet deep down, he was still an ordinary commoner. Despite gaining the ancient book and the power that came with it, he remained that commoner. This reflected a huge ideological gap between himself and Mantra, Zhu Lingdie, and others. They each had their own beliefs and ways of thinking; lofty and clear goals, while he seemed to be living day by day without a clear purpose.

This led to entirely different reactions between himself and them when faced with the same situation. Mantra could smile as he schemed against the woman in white and the cloaked figure, ultimately aiming to strike them down with a single blow; while Zhu Lingdie could use the woman in white to achieve her goal of restoring the "order".

And he, on the other hand, felt sadly troubled?

Upon careful consideration, he realized that the fundamental reason for his feeling of distress was the lack of his own beliefs and goals.

A person with a goal, no matter what they encounter, good or bad, will consider all sudden events in relation to their goal. They will quickly identify areas they can utilize to help them achieve and accomplish their goal, just like Mantra and Zhu Lingdie.

However, he lacked such a goal. He merely wanted to live a stable life, which couldn't be considered a goal since everyone in Jinling City harbored this dream.

As a result, every time he faced a formidable enemy or crisis, he would passively resist, struggle, fight, and even fight desperately. Thus, before long, he would feel exhausted and weary.

But what was his goal? Andrew found this as painful as writing a professional code of conduct.

As they say, character determines destiny, and mindset determines the way out. He couldn't change his character overnight to be like Mantra or Zhu Lingdie. A monkey can't turn into a human in just one day. He could only search within his character for a goal and ideal suitable for this cruel era.

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