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☆ 138. Chapter 138: An agreement is reached, and Koike is easy to drag

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Chapter 138: An agreement was reached, Koike dragged

it "We want to know, why did you suddenly come to the central base, did you hear something, and wanted to do something... For example, vaccines, the leader of the initiative? It

was still Liu Yutao who was asking, he carefully and cautiously observed Chi Yan's expression, although he felt that he might not be able to see anything, but his teammates in the united front now would definitely be able to see some clues.

Chi Yan sneered, relaxed, and leaned on the back of the sofa loudly: "What? What obligation do I have to tell you? Don't forget, you're from Kan Xiongfeng.

Since he was able to ask this question, Chi Yan believed that they had already guessed something, and it just so happened that he also needed someone from the central circle to cover for him, and it was nothing to form an alliance for the time being.

Professor Wei took off his glasses and looked at Chi Yan deeply: "We are not from Kan Xiongfeng, we don't work for him, only for ourselves." "

To save all mankind, they don't have such a great ambition, they just hope to be able to exchange for their own life in a difficult environment.

Wei Tongyan hadn't thought that he would live for a long time before, and judging from the situation of the central base, he felt that he would not survive for too long under Kan Xiongfeng's suspicion.

But now it's different, he wants to live.

In order to be able to see Koike more, even if he heard from afar, he wanted to try to live.

The two people around him showed expressions of approval, and Chi Yan glanced at Liu Yutao more, this brainwashed person sobered up so quickly? It's incredible, I thought that the brain in the last days was a lifelong disease.

"I'll not mention what you said for the time being, but I can tell you that I'm here to kill Kan Xiongfeng. "The main purpose is to want Kan Xiongfeng's crystal nucleus.

Of course, he didn't say the latter sentence, he Chi Yan wanted to save face, and it was impossible for him to show his side of being a fan of money in front of outsiders.

Huo Yiyang answered: "What are you going to do?" Kan Xiongfeng's ability level is already in the middle of the eighth level, and no one knows what his ability is yet. "But they have all seen how terrifying Kan Xiongfeng's coercion as a high-level ability is.

"That's right, Kan Xiongfeng's strength is still very scary, do you have any battle plan? Liu Yutao looked at Chi Yan with blank eyes.

The gaze was too hot, which made Jiang Ge a little displeased, and grabbed Chi Yan's hand and rubbed it in his palm.

Chi Yan arrogantly raised Erlang's legs and said in a bully cool tone, "No." "

Joke, all the information they know about Kan Xiongfeng only began to understand when they arrived at this base, how could there be a combat plan.

"Huh? Liu Yutao and Huo Yiyang were petrified, Rao is synonymous with calmness, and Professor Wei couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Uh... Do you have a lot of people out there? Liu Yutao's eyes were a little distracted, he vaguely felt something, he shouldn't be affected by the soul next, right?

"Nonsense. Chi Yan said as a matter of course: "Of course not, there are four of us." "

The four of them wandered to the territory of other people, saying that they were going to kill the other party's lord, and they had not made any preparations.

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