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☆ 129. Chapter 129: It can be said that the entire basketball team loves Koike

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Chapter 129 It can be said that the entire basketball team likes Koike

who originally wanted to go back to the farm to eat, but there were always two people behind him.

None of them could find a place to disappear.

Chi Yan sighed, clasped his hands and looked at the two followers: "What are you doing?" Is there no place for you to go to this base?

Liu Yutao had a bitter face: "I'm sorry Xiaochi, I didn't mean it, what I said before was really wrong, and I reflect on it now." "

Hush. Chi Yancai didn't believe that his deep-rooted thoughts could change in one day.

Huo Yiyang also helped Liu Yutao speak: "He was bewitched before, but now he has figured it out a lot... Koike, we haven't seen each other for a long time, can't we catch up on the past?

"What is there to reminisce? Liu Yutao, aren't you embarrassed to stay with me? Chi Yan still remembers this unlucky child, who once confessed to him in a tiger's head.

Can you keep talking after being rejected? Wouldn't you really feel embarrassed?

Liu Yutao shook his head: "No embarrassment, no embarrassment!"

Huo Yiyang glanced at him, it was because Chi Yan was not there, and they had the same purpose, to find Chi Yan.

They have only temporarily united the front and become friends who can still speak a few words.

But now that Chi Yan is back, they are about to resume their status as rivals.

Huo Yiyang stepped forward: "We have been looking for you for the past few years, but there is no trace of you everywhere.

"Looking for me? Chi Yan was stunned, and his pupils froze for a moment.

They will all look for him, and it is clear that before the end of the world, it was not a close relationship... But the teacher never looked for him.

"What are you looking for from me? Chi Yan frowned, "Is it so leisurely?" The

two choked, and Liu Yutao could only say dryly: "Uh... In addition to us, there are quite a few people looking for you. "

Huh? Chi Yan was scared, "I haven't owed anyone money before, at most I just cheated a few buns to eat, this is the era of zombies, why are you still thinking about me?" One

sentence made everyone present speechless.

Jiang Ge is now extremely sure that his Xiaochi just doesn't have love cells.

He was able to catch up with Chi Yan, maybe God admired his face, and it was too miserable to see him struggling so hard in these few lives, so sympathize with him.

Huo Yiyang wiped his face: "Let's go eat... I invite you to eat Mao Xuewang, it is spicy. "

Chi Yan doesn't really want to eat it, it's all mutated animals, he can't bear to eat it.

He tried his best to refuse, but Huo Yiyang and Liu Yutao desperately invited.

In the end, Chi Yan and the others were pushed into the restaurant.

It's the first time Chi Yan has seen someone, so he has to invite a guest to dinner, and he is still anxious if you don't eat.

Jiang Ge followed Chi Yan throughout the whole process, without saying a word and without any opinions to express.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now