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☆ 25. Chapter 25: Carrying the Bun Up the Mountain

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Chapter 25 Bringing the soil buns up the mountain

Chi Yan naturally said Okay, he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

On the same day, Chi Yan set off with his schoolbag on his back.

When he stood at the gate of the base at more than seven o'clock in the evening, Chi Yan ushered in Chen Wolong, who sent him, and Jiang Yilun.

Chen Wolong looked around, didn't see Jiang Ge, and subconsciously asked, "What about the little brother who is often with Mr. Chi?" Why don't I go back with you?

"No, he went home. Chi Yan didn't want to explain more, so he made an excuse, "He's from another base." "

Going home is going home, of course, and as for the base, it may be a place called a farm.

Chen Wolong was even more relieved, Chi Yan had less combat power, which was a good thing for them.

He put his heart in his stomach, and the smile on his face became more and more real: "Okay, Mr. Chi should pay attention to safety along the way, and it is inconvenient to let other people accompany you, so let your old classmate Guo Yi go back with you, right?"

Guo Yi had been waiting on the side for a long time, and only then did he stand up when he was named, and Chong Chi Yan raised his hand: "If you have anything, just tell me, you're welcome."

"Okay. Chi Yan didn't show it on his face, but he still couldn't hide his loss in his heart.

Anyway, they used to be classmates, a senior brother from school, but they didn't expect that the other party was also the one who wanted to harm him.

Forget it, people's hearts are terrifying, let alone in this environment.

It would be nice to kill him in the middle of the night.

The two got into the car, Guo Yi drove, and Chi Yan sat in the co-pilot, closing his eyes and recuperating.

During this period, he still had some expectations, maybe Guo Yi was still kind-hearted and would tell him about Chen Wolong's conspiracy halfway?

But he never waited, maybe Guo Yi felt that he had nothing to say to a person who was destined to die.

Ji Yan's gaze fell on the 'Ferrari model' on the center console, and his eyes gradually deepened.

"The seniors are so funny. When he called Senior Guo Yi, Chi Yan was a little curious.

During this time at the base, Guo Yi couldn't have seen Jiang Ge, right? Even if he wears sunglasses, it won't be to the point where he can't recognize him.

In fact, Chi Yan really misunderstood Guo Yi about this matter, he went out to do a mission in the past few days, and the temperature was high in summer, so they had to find more supplies and edible fruits.

He only heard that there was a tall man beside Chi Yan, who often accompanied him.

At that time, Guo Yi also ridiculed the team that there was never a shortage of handsome guys around Chi Yan, and there was a cold arrogant tyrant who always paid silently for him before the end.

Now when the end itself is difficult to protect, you can still hook up with an excellent big tall one.

The sourness in his tone was overflowing, he had no respect for Chi Yan before, and he had always secretly looked down on him.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant