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☆ 13. Chapter 13: Fu Anshan

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Chapter 13 Fu Anshan

"By the way, I have to ask you, what is the name of the mountain where Mr. Xiao is located?"

Chi Yan lowered his eyes and thought of the words on the previous task panel, and said, "Fu Anshan." Because

Chi Yan is still here, and no one knows his true ability, Chen Wolong does not dare to act rashly for the time being.

According to what Chi Yan said, the first batch of supplies was distributed to the group of poor people in the outer circle of the base.

The people on the outer layer couldn't believe that they would be given food! It's still so fresh and delicious.

When they held the greens and fruits, many skinny people almost cried.

The old man wept, and the child wept.

Chi Yan stood under the eaves and watched, his face a little bitter.

This is the last days, living people, but they are not as humble as ants.

The people opposite them were crowded around the City Lord's Mansion.

"Why give it first to those who don't work? They'll want to eat it later! Can you afford that money!

"That's it! Give it to us first! "

What the fuck is a little Shiba chicken, what the hell is he doing!

"Lao Tzu's money is ready, let the group of things outside take advantage. Chen

Wolong was in a cold sweat, these people can't be provoked, one is fine, but if they all gather together, even if he is the city lord, he can't bear it.

"Don't be impatient, don't be impatient, everyone listen to me. Chen Wolong was surrounded by the crowd and raised his voice, "Chi Yan owns a whole mountain, and there are inexhaustible vegetables and fruits on it, as well as many poultry, cattle and sheep. The

restlessness of the crowd fell silent, and the eyes were dripping and dancing, and they already imagined the inexhaustible good life of delicious food in the future.

"Hahahaha! Good! When the time comes, take the mountain and add me one!

"Add me one too!" "

I'll go too! You'll have to grab a few chickens and come back!

Chi Yan lowered his eyes, listened to the words of the system in his ears, and suddenly smiled.

"Well, I'm afraid they won't go. "If you don't go, how can you catch all the greedy people?

After making sure that the survivors of the outer layer were all happily returning home with food, Chi Yan was also at ease.

Although I don't want to be a good person in the last days, I can do this kind of thing that I can.

I hope that his next plan can be successfully completed, so that most people in the Wolong base can also end this kind of life of no one and no ghost.

Chi Yan went to the accommodation arranged for him by the base, put down his backpack and cautiously closed the doors and windows, and closed the curtains.

Chi Yan was suddenly stunned, his slender and bony hand resting on the glass.

Suddenly, he raised the corners of his lips and smiled, and when Jiang Ge came out, Chi Yan held back a smile and said, "Jiang Ge, hurry up and carry a few windows back first."

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now