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☆ 36. Chapter 36: The Deputy City Lord was elected with 38,000 votes

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Chapter 36: The election of the deputy city lord with 38,000 votes

is a very quick matter.

No one is willing to participate, if it weren't for Yang Sheng forcing people to participate everywhere, it is estimated that he will be the only one on the day of the assessment.

As for himself, he was forced to participate by the city lord.

The people in this base are also wonderful, probably because of what kind of city lord there is, what kind of survivor residents there are.

They simply learned Chi Yan's laziness and salted fish to the fullest.

No one aspires to the position of deputy city lord, just wants to go out to fight zombies, and then come back to buy some fruit to nibble on, and fry shredded potatoes at night.

Then you can drink some drinks, and if you are more luxurious, buy a bowl of fruit or shaved ice to treat yourself.

The last thing is to work hard to absorb the crystal nucleus cultivation and increase the level of ability.

As for the deputy city lord or something, at first glance, the city lord wants to throw off the burden, and he made it out as a salted fish, and whoever is responsible is unlucky.

Everyone understands this truth, so they are scribbling during the assessment, and they are deliberately writing the wrong answer when they know the correct answer.

Ascension thinks that he has a heart, and he is half wrong and half wrong, so he can't go up or down, and there is no reason to choose him.

But there are too many people with long eyes, and they are all deliberately answering the wrong questions.

So much so that when the final score was released, he failed 51 and became the highest score in the whole base!

"Hahahahaha! I'm laughing to death! Chi Yan was lying on the recliner, his stomach hurting from laughter.

Judging papers is Jiang Ge's job, because it is well known that the people he likes are very lazy, and it is not easy to come up with a topic.

Jiang Ge also seemed to have figured out the people in this base, so he directly found the ghost drawing talisman of Ascension and came out to look at it, and finally checked others hastily.

When Ascension heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue.

He thinks he is calculating, but the truth is that everyone is calculating him!

Yang Sheng didn't do it, he was dying, and he was miserable with Chi Yan in tears, saying how he couldn't bear the brothers of the city defense team.

Several members of the city defense team who came to see the play waved their hands while knocking on watermelon seeds: "It's okay Captain, go ahead, we are quite willing to give you up."

Chi Yan held back a smile, almost suffocating, he stretched out his fist to his lips, suppressed his laughter, and said, "Since this is the case, then let's add another link, fair and just."

"How's it going to be an open vote?" Chi Yan made the final decision and did not give Ascension a chance to refuse.

At that moment, Yang Sheng's scalp was numb, and there was a bad premonition.

On the day of the election, the votes were recorded by the city defense team themselves.

There were a total of 38,123 people in this base, including Chi Yan and Jiang Ge, as well as Yang Sheng himself.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant