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☆ 1. Chapter 1: Three Years After Waking Up (Reborn Many Times)

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Chapter 1: Three years after waking up (multiple rebirths),

summer is suitable for drowsiness.

Chi Yan fell asleep and felt a little cold, he reached out to pull the quilt and touched the air.

"Hmm—" He frowned and opened his eyes, squinting at his surroundings, and sighed leisurely.

Chi Yan is a student who has just graduated from the College of Agriculture, although his school is the top of the agricultural major, but after graduation, he was thrown into a place by the future graduate tutor to Xi the matter, which is still quite annoying.

In particular, this place is still a wilderness and uninhabited.

He worked as a security guard in a huge orchard agricultural area, and every day he sat in a daze in the security booth, eating fruit and counting birds.

Day after day is boring to death, if it weren't for the monthly income of 25,000 plus bonuses, he would have slipped into the city a long time ago.

Chi Yan picked up the notebook on the table and fanned the wind, obviously he still felt cold when he slept just now, why did it get hot again.

Sure enough, the weather in the mountains is changeable.

It may also be related to the changes in the past six months, a flu has swept the world, it is contagious, and no matter how it is treated, there is no solution. Although no one died of the disease, the physical fitness of those who were cured also deteriorated a lot.

There are even many people who have been sick repeatedly, and the state has also set up a quarantine circle for this purpose, with a safety code for everyone, and masks must be worn when going out.

Because of this, Chi Yan, who has always only used PHS, also bought a smartphone, which is really painful.

"Huh? He squinted, and there seemed to be someone staggering in front of him.

He is from the deep mountains and old forests, shouldn't there be anyone? It's not until the end of the month, who is this person? Isn't it a thief who wants to steal the fruit?

Chi Yan came out of the security booth, holding an electric baton in his hand, holding his cheek and waiting for the man to approach.

People in gray short sleeves walk swaying, looking as if they are going to fall at any moment.

When he was about to approach Chi Yan, he accelerated suddenly, and there seemed to be a phlegm sound in his throat, Chi Yan raised his stick in disgust and shouted, "Who are you?" Idlers are not allowed to enter here! Because

it is in the deep mountains, the protective fence is relatively high, and Chi Yan looked out from the gap, the man was unmoved, and he was still walking towards this side, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

And along the way, accompanied by the sound of coughing, Chi Yan touched his pocket, and he did not have the Xi of wearing a mask alone.

"Damn... He can't be the flu, right? Chi Yan covered his mouth and nose with one hand and shouted, "Don't come here!" What about your safety code? Take it out and take a look! I'm relying on you not to come here! You don't want to infect me!

Chi Yan folded his hands in front of his chest and stepped back, feeling that the air was full of viruses.

The man lay on the protective railing, raised his head suddenly, and opened his mouth that was still dripping blood from the gap to Chi Yan: "Whoa—ah! "

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now