Volume One: The Disappearance of the Sun in 2012

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chapter 1 The Disappearance of the Sun

chapter 1 The Disappearance of the Sun

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Date: December 22, 2012


"Central Television! Central Television! Dear viewers, you are currently watching Central Television!"

"Dear viewers! I am currently in the Queens district of New York City, where there has just been a riot. The New York police used a large number of personnel to forcefully disperse the rioters. This riot resulted in one death and over thirty injured. The situation is still being investigated..."


"Now let's connect with Olivia in Europe and learn about the situation there."

"Hello, host!"

"Hello, Olivia. Can you tell us about the situation in Paris?"

"Sure. From this afternoon, a large crowd gathered in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, holding various signs and demanding the government disclose the truth of the matter. We can now see that a large number of police have gathered in front of the presidential palace to prevent the situation from escalating. President Sarkozy has canceled his visit to the Middle East and made a televised speech calling for calm among the citizens..."

"Okay, let's now connect with Jess in Tokyo. Hello, Jess, hello, hello... Alright, maybe there's a problem with the satellite signal and we can't reach Jess for now. It's okay. Now we invite two guests in the studio to provide us with a scientific explanation of this event."


"Welcome back. This is a special news observation program on Central Television. Let me introduce our two special guests to the audience, who are also authoritative experts in the academic field. This is Professor Huo Sining, an astronomer from Tsinghua University, and Professor Zhang Ting'en, an astrophysicist from the University of Science and Technology of China!"

"Good afternoon, professors. We know that today, at 7:15 am Beijing time on December 22nd, the entire sun suddenly disappeared from the sky for a full 10 minutes. This special astronomical phenomenon was observed all around the world without any prediction of a solar eclipse. This led to a lot of speculation."

"Of course, the most famous speculation is related to the Mayan civilization's prophecy. According to the Mayan prophecy, the sun should have completely disappeared after yesterday, the 21st, and the earth would fall into darkness. We know that many people are actually concerned about this, especially some people abroad who are very worried about the success of this prophecy. Until the 22nd, this morning at 7 o'clock, many people thought that this prophecy, like the Y2K apocalypse in 1999, was just a joke."

"But, we also know that around 7:15 am, the entire sun suddenly disappeared for about 10 minutes without any signs, and the whole world was plunged into darkness. Global communication also fell into extreme chaos. The whole process lasted for 10 minutes and then returned to normal."

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