Don't touch my ears! 3.11

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"If you lie to me, I will break your legs, do you understand?" The Fifth Master looked at him expressionlessly with his round beer belly.

Shan Quan nodded repeatedly and stood up holding on to the wall: "I understand, I have a solution."

Why did he have to accompany this uncle after he coaxed his nephew to sleep? Mo Zhiyang felt something was wrong, so he turned around and went back to his room when he was supposed to go to Tan Zong's room, no matter what.

"Where's the rabbit?" Tan Zong really cleaned himself up and sat on his bed. He waited for a long time but couldn't wait for Yang Yang to come to his door, so he decided that he couldn't just sit back and wait for the rabbit but should take the initiative.

Go to Xiao Ran's room and have a look. If no one is there, go to his room.

Mo Zhiyang was lying on the bed and heard the sound of the door being opened. He turned over and faced the door. He didn't lock the door. In fact, he was being arrogant because no rabbit would take the initiative to send himself into the tiger and wolf's den. 

Sure enough, he was here. Tan Zong walked over lightly, lifted the quilt, got into bed, and hugged his waist: "Why are you here?"

"It's more comfortable to sleep in my own bed." Mo Zhiyang turned his back to him and leaned on his chest.

"I thought you were afraid of me." Tan Zong hugged the person into his arms again, seeming to be teasing him.

The two people were very close, but Mo Zhiyang refused to turn around and look at him, and just chatted with him in this posture: "What am I afraid of?"

Having said this, Tan Zong couldn't help laughing, and put his hand on his waist: "You don't know, I haven't been very good at expressing myself since I was a child. If I'm happy or nervous, I'll just give a cold face, and then they will automatically avoid me. Over time, they will be afraid of me. When I was a child, no one played with me except my sister."

Yoyoyo, you still can't express yourself? Many people were speechless.

"You deserve it, huh!" Mo Zhiyang thought for a while and then deliberately moved forward to avoid him.

Tan Zong was unwilling to do so, so he chased after him, stopped him and shoved the person into his arms: "Don't leave, Yangyang."

There was no further fuss, and Mo Zhiyang lay with him. The two of them talked about each other under the quilt, but most of it was Tan Zong who did the talking, and Mo Zhiyang listened.

Talking about the past, I wished I could tell him about the lunch I had when I was a child and what I ate.

Trivial things were particularly hypnotic, and Mo Zhiyang fell asleep listening to them.

After realizing that the man was asleep, Tan Zong carefully tucked him in and sighed in the dark: "I always want you to know my past affairs, so it seems as if you have been with me since before, and I didn't meet you until now. The previous days were wasted."

But Mo Zhiyang was sleeping soundly, and he didn't hear it.

Zhuo Shen didn't come until the afternoon the next day. He said he had something to do in the morning, but Mo Zhiyang didn't ask. He held Xiao Ran and accompanied him to the math class.

He received a call out of nowhere. When Mo Zhiyang looked at it, he realized that it was from his college roommate. He had taken good care of the original before. He answered the call: "Hello, Brother Nan."

"Zhiyang, what are you doing now? There will be a game in our dormitory tomorrow. As an old classmate will be able to come?"

The voice on the other end of the phone had a cheerful voice, just like a canine should.

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