The Great Emperor's Little Secret Guard 2.22

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"Your Majesty, this person is a young eunuch beside Concubine Jia. He came here according to Concubine Jia's order... He wanted to come to serve Your Majesty, but he didn't expect to disturb Guard Mo when he came..." Having said this, he stopped talking. His Majesty knows what will happen next.

Upon hearing this beautiful concubine, Qi Guanyan sneered: "Is it really her? I don't think so, but let's just assume it's her."

The Emperor's words were strange, and he didn't dare to ask in detail. When he saw the little secret guard coming out, he stepped back and left the palace.

Mo Zhiyang washed up and went out to have lunch. Still thinking about the venison, he poked the rice with his chopsticks and asked him: "As for the venison, you said you would roast half of it for me."

"I hunted the deer in the morning. I just saw that you hadn't gotten up yet. I'll roast it for you in the evening and put it on a bonfire. We can eat it in front of the fire, okay?" Qi Guanyan naturally remembered and had already ordered Yiban to prepare it.

After hearing this, Mo Zhiyang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay."

Tang Wanwan knew that the Emperor had dismissed a young eunuch, so she covered her mouth and laughed secretly. She brought Concubine Rong and Concubine Jia here not just to serve the emperor.

I just hope everything goes well tonight.

At night, Mo Zhiyang clamored to eat venison. As soon as the sun went down, he pulled Qi Guanyan out. When he saw that Yiban was already preparing, he leaned over with a smile: "How is it?"

"The fire has just started; it will take some time." Halfway through, he put the tray in his hand on a small bench next to the campfire, opened the red cloth, and found several large pieces of cleaned venison and some seasonings.

Qi Guanyan and Gao Wufen walked over slowly, took the cloak that Gao Wufen handed over, and put it on themselves: "The late autumn dew is heavy, please put it on quickly."

"How can you be so delicate?" Mo Zhiyang muttered, but still obediently let him tie his shirt.

After being tied up, he pulled the person to sit on a small bench next to the campfire. The two benches were very close to each other, and the two of them were sitting close to each other.

Qi Guanyan put his big hand around the person and hugged him in his arms: "Yiban's roasted venison was praised by the late emperor. I'll give you a full meal today."

"Really?" Mo Zhiyang swallowed when he heard this, and his eyes became more and more eager when he was looking at Yiban, as if he was a delicious plate of venison.

Gao Wufen went over to help light the fire. It looked like there were only four people in this bonfire.

Seeing the two of them together, Mo Zhiyang remembered: "Gonggong is called Gao Wufen, and the other is Yiban, which a bit flattering!" These names sound weird.

"Guard Mo may not know that these five points are half, and Yiban is just right." The atmosphere was great, and Gao Wufen is also telling a joke.

What is this?

Mo Zhiyang looked up at Qi Guanyan inexplicably. He was the one who gave this name, so he must know its meaning. He grabbed his sleeve and asked, "What does it mean?"

"I was still young at that time, and the late emperor sent Gao Wufen to serve me. I was studying a poem with my master, and I casually said that it was five points, and the name came from it. As for half, I thought it was five points and half. It just so happened that I chose this name." Qi Guanyan said, putting his little hands back into his cloak: "The dew is heavy in late autumn, so be careful not to catch a cold."

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