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Chapter 153

◇ Realize the stomach of the people of the whole country!

Food crops, greenhouse technology, rush!

All-Star Labor Holiday.

In the staff lounge, Daliu looked at the lively appearance of the eighteenth district above and poured a mouthful of nutrient solution, his eyes showed longing and envy, and it has been more than six years since he came out to learn science and technology blink under the financial support of Brother Kishi.

The young man was dressed in straight, wearing overalls of a large factory, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm for knowledge.

Time has proved that Brother Kishi's decision is always right, and he has such foresight when everyone is not rich.

Outside, the sound of a colleague telling him to go to the technical factory to study and watch new experiments sounded.

The young man laughed, remembering that he was reluctant to come out at that time, that is, he loved to dig coal mines.

Moreover, he was worried that he would be robbed of his beloved position by his nephew Liu and Director Liu's black heart, and he resolutely refused Brother Shore's funding for the first time.

The young man couldn't help but cover his face, and his shoulders trembled lightly with a smile.

It was really fortunate that Brother Kishi's tough style at that time stunned his whole family except for him with his super eloquence, and he was packed up and thrown out by his family.

Now that he thought about it, this made him admire Brother Gan's absolute ability, he simply seemed to be omnipotent.

The fragrance of locust flowers of the nutrient solution seems to have an aftertaste in the abdomen, making people's lips and teeth sweet but not greasy.

The taste that was full of rotten sewers six years ago seems to have been gradually buried in time, and when you think about it, it seems that only the unpleasant feeling is left in your mind, which makes you want to think about it.

Outside the door at the same time, urgent.

"Here it comes!" Daliu quickly got up, threw the nutrient solution bottle into the trash can, and mixed it with other household garbage.

When I walked out, maybe it was related to my profession, and I still lamented that this reusable nutrient solution bottle was disposed of as garbage.

He raised a smile to his colleague outside the door, "Let's go, the professor teaches hydrogen particle collision?"

"Yes, you don't hurry up, say it's a new technology!" The colleague looked eager. "After learning, we will be able to go back to the owner early and contribute to the interstellar future!"

"That top smart Liu Keke has been recognized by the professor to go back for a year, and I heard that the newly built environmental protection technology company in the seventeenth district is doing very well, and it is developing in the direction of excellent backbone!" We have to work hard too!

This colleague was also the person who was sponsored by Brother Kishi at the beginning, when Brother Kishi secretly selected more than 80 young people with a thirst for knowledge in the eighteenth district to study.

He is the only fool in it who is reluctant to be forced to study.


Da Liu also straightened: "Yes! We should hurry back too! Otherwise, the credit will be robbed by others, and the owner will be disappointed in us!

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