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Chapter 124

◇ Cut off the road of wealth and monopolize the control of garden resources?

The work cannot be passed down. How will the next generation eat, how will they live, etc., and how will they be guaranteed?

The online violence against the garden does not seem to have any signs of abating due to the impact of the incident inside the garden, but has become more and more enthusiastic.

The garden and people who have a little relationship know who it is, but they can't go to each other.

This situation even affected the garden tourism project, and many people began to resist traveling to the 18th district.

It is claimed that the eighteenth district is dirty and chaotic, and human beings cannot live, and that going there is a threat to their own life and health.

The people in the garden have already opened the network, and after spending ten star coins to open it, the gardeners can't help but feel really fragrant.

One day, less than a day's salary to see the outside world every day, this is really a great deal! Now they have long had conditions, and they should have opened it long ago.

They won't let the owner suffer such an attack when they don't know it, and no one will help the owner fight back.

When I saw this kind of speech on the Internet, I couldn't help but be angry: it was just nonsense.

A large number of gardeners themselves suddenly appeared on the Internet, and netizens found that this group of people has a very powerful mouth and a very virtuous mouth? Do not scold people, scold is also scold those who attack them.

[If we can't live, how do we people live!]

【We are alive and well now!】

【And we cherish our current life, living much better than most people outside! 】 So don't worry about those who have malicious intentions about the garden!

】 More than 100,000

people in the garden can send two sentences on the Internet, and those who can't type will let people help send two sentences, such a group of people suddenly emerged is also quite sensational, in this uneven Internet, and caused waves of agitation on the Internet.

What really sparked a fierce spark on the Internet was that a gardener started a normal daily broadcast called 'about how we work and live in the garden'.

As well as a large number of live broadcast rooms, 'my day working in the garden', 'my day living in the garden', 'happy life in the garden', 'garden happy community daily life', 'how happy are you living in the garden', etc... Wait a minute.

Then netizens were shocked after watching the daily life of these live broadcast rooms, Mu, sour, crying, love, a series of speeches rushed to the forefront of hot words on the Internet.

[I used to know that when I knew that there was free lunch in the garden, as well as preferential benefits such as overtime, I was envious but I didn't feel anything yet, but now I see the whole day, I really admire it...]

[This Nima is also too leisurely! ] Is this really work and life?! Where is the work in this? Where does it work? Work come to me soon, but don't tell me that watering green plants every day is work, so I really want to cry...】

[Isn't this a way to visit the garden without spending money, and you can also experience special activities to water beautiful greenery! ] Look at your work again, every day I worry that I may die of sudden work one day... I'm really sour...]

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