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Chapter 51

◇ Scientific research institute robbing people ◇

At this time, the face of the deputy third dean showed a strange calmness, but Mo Huian felt that it was the ultimate despair and disappointment.

Lebe was always a little apprehensive on the way back from the shore.

"Isn't it good to directly refuse the invitation of scientific research institutes in this way." Although he was happy to choose Mo to return to the shore in his heart, Laibai also knew that the scientific research institute was not so easy to refuse.

Mo's ability to return to the shore has been known and confirmed to be authentic, and he does not believe that the scientific research institute will let such a treasure wander outside without the slightest action.

The deputy third dean was rejected, but it may not be the vice third dean who comes to persuade next time.

If it was the deputy first dean and the deputy second dean who came, it would not be so good to talk, and it was not impossible to forcibly take Mo back to the shore in the name of all mankind.

There is absolutely no benefit to the scientific research institute, a great righteousness smashed down, and the Comet Group is afraid that it will not be able to protect Mo Hui Ashore.

There is a reason why Lebe is so worried, because the scientific research institute has done this before, but no one dares to stop it, so it is gone, and the person who took it away now does not know where it is.

He was afraid that Mo would also fall into a situation where his whereabouts were unknown.

Mo Hui'an knows where he can get the most out of his ability, so he won't go to the scientific research institute. He wants to take root in the 18th district, transform the 18th district, let everyone see the change in the 18th district, and take the lead in bringing hope to the toiling people at the bottom.

During this time, the books that the third vice president showed him were not read in vain, and the vice third dean also hinted that the internal affairs of his scientific research institute were not as clean as the public thought.

If the scientific research institute in the early years was okay, the honest people in the current scientific research institute would not be able to survive.

Therefore, after learning that Mo's bold plan to return to the shore, the third vice dean, who was still a little clear, suddenly gave up the task assigned to him by the scientific research institute.

——Once it is confirmed that the other party's ability is true, be sure to bring the other party into the research institute.

In fact, in the eyes of the deputy third dean, the idea of Mo returning to the shore is even a fantasy.

Even if Mo's ability to return to the shore can purify mutated green plants, but the mutated green plants are not so easy to purify, at the speed of the other party purifying one tree in three hours, excluding six hours of sleeping time, eighteen hours a day without rest, it is only six.

After working hard and sleepless for a year, even one percent of the Black Mountain District is not satisfied, not to mention the entire eighteenth region and the entire interstellar region. And even if there are trees, if you can't plant them in the soil, it's for nothing.

Moreover, seeds, soil, especially water resources, require a lot of funds, and it is a problem who will pay these funds in the early stage.

Even after Mo Hui said that he had been able to plant green plants on the soil, the deputy third dean was only shocked and surprised for a moment, but finally shook his head.

✓Interstellar Plant Recovery Anchorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें