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Chapter 96

◇ Build a nutrient solution factory ◇

Being in the 18th district is doing the tiring work that I didn't disdain to do in the past, but it is like being in paradise on earth.

The news that the head of the 10th district government had been arrested for mismanagement and abuse of power flashed and did not arouse everyone's suspicion.

Three days later, the new head of the 10th District Government will be appointed by District 1.

Everyone only pays attention to when the port will be repaired, the tenth district has been a series of natural disasters and disasters, only an air port can do anything, they just want to leave the tenth district.

Soon the government issued an announcement that the five ports damaged by the disaster will be completely repaired in half a year, which means that everyone will stay safely in District 10 within half a year.

But all the industries in the ten districts were damaged, and they just couldn't do it if they wanted to resume work, and then the government made another announcement.

Everyone is required to participate in the restoration of the infrastructure of the 10 districts, and although the government wants to help everyone, considering the financial situation of the government, only one bottle of nutrient solution is provided every day so that more people can survive.

The crowd was excited.

A bottle of nutrient solution! A bottle of nutrient solution can just hang their breath, just want them to do free labor? This government is going to die of exhaustion and starvation to death!

But the government can't help it, the new head of the 10th district has already pressed high-level donations to donate money / spit out stolen money.

But this money needs to pay for the expensive repair of the protective film, and there is not much money left.

The popular government in the face of protest really has no way.

At this time, the first batch of people who entered the 18th District 10 had already settled down in the 18th District, and judging from the words in the live broadcast room, it was obvious that life was not bad.

The people who stayed in District 10 were even more envious of the people who went to District 18.

The remaining two air ports are overcrowded every day, and once the advance tickets come out, they are all a second-long spectacle.

And because there has been no locust flower for sale in the live broadcast room, all of it is used to support the tenth district, and the sea buckthorn juice that has been gluttonous has not been exposed to the mouth, and some people are already impatient.

And in fact, there are too many people in the 10th district of the eighteenth district, the number of 4,000 people a day, the garden is also a little unaffordable, this time it is not a problem of the area and scale of the garden but the main problem of funds.

There is a serious lack of funding.

In order to ensure that the capital chain will not be broken, Mo Hui'an also uses the means of controlling the personnel who enter the garden every day.

Therefore, compared with the army of the ten districts who flocked to the garden, the number of people who entered the garden work was actually pitiful.

But the nutrient solution that can be owed to them on credit every day in the garden has made them very satisfied, and the fact that most of the people from the ten districts have a lot of money left in their hands, and it is not enough to buy a house and build a house, but the daily nutrient solution money paid to the garden is still enough.

✓Interstellar Plant Recovery AnchorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang