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Chapter 131

◇ Information leakage of the owner's terminal illness ◇

The medical team went to the 18th district

of the

Zhao family mansion.

Related to the Demon family, all the families of the Demon family suddenly broke into a group of heavily armed troops, and once the troops entered without any resistance, they violently arrested all the members of the family.

Only the dazed subordinates in the house were left, who had no idea what was happening. And just before the sun rose, their master was still a noble existence in a district high above and no one dared to provoke.

The Demon family responded in advance and prepared a way to escape, but they didn't expect the Lan family to come so quickly, it was like figuring out their escape plan and picking out the day they planned to leave to arrest someone.

The Lan family came too quickly, and even the fierce firefight that everyone imagined did not even happen, and the guards of the Zhao family only had time to fire three shots, and all the armed forces had been unloaded.

The fallen guard had died when the gate was broken.

The blood flowing from his forehead meandered down, like a stream on the luxurious green bricks, and the vigilance of his unclosed eyes still remained, as if he had not realized his moment of death until death.

But there is no doubt that the house of the Lord fell, really fell.

The servants rushed to take the salute, and hurried to leave the place, fearing that if they left a second late, the terrible soldiers would come back to catch them.

Occasionally, people guessed that the young guard on the ground only exclaimed in fright when he saw the face with open eyes, and then continued to run.

However, outside the gate, I don't know when there were already two soldiers who had arrested people, and the servant who had just run to the door retreated in panic under the cold gaze of the other party.

Then retreated behind the gate, and then hurriedly ran to the house.

It's over, you can't get out! They're going to die too!

This deployment has been in place for a long time, and there is no possibility of any major mistakes.

One after another, people were pressed into the escort car with gray faces, and some people were still clamoring to shoot all the soldiers who dared to arrest them for no reason, but some people were already ashen and did not say a word.

Some ordinary citizens saw this scene, but after taking one look, they did not dare to look at the fierce and tall soldiers, and hurried home like a beast to avoid a flood, and also told their families not to go out in the near future.

The guns of those powerful people are not long-eyed, and these small families and ordinary people are still honestly staying at home and waiting for the turmoil to pass.

The crystal display at home still plays the guilty voice of a man with neat hairspray on his head, the man says how many things he has done under the instructions of the demon family over the years, and the people who listen are full of anger, and they hate to tear the man and the demon family behind him and punch him fiercely.

There are netizens in a district on the Internet who sent out this scene, and now everyone is discussing it lively.

[Not only do they not take the lives of ordinary people seriously, but even use those loyal to their abilities for the sake of the continuation of the family to do experiments on living people, but also use the words to murder the garden owner in a vain attempt to occupy the garden, the demon family is really damned! ]

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