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Chapter 44

◇ Rumors and Incidents ◇

Once the other party wants to pursue it, this is not a trivial matter, and the confiscation of all property is light for life.

The charter immediately shook his head again, the other party should not know that his live broadcast room was banned mainly because of his instigation, he has not exposed himself, and the other party has no reason to shoot at him.

And even if the other party knows, he doesn't have any responsibility, after all, he is just a small anchor who 'watches the excitement' like everyone, because he simply said a few words like everyone.

Charter suddenly laughed strangely.

And he didn't have to be afraid of the other party at all, because he knew that he would trample the other party under his feet again.

No matter how high the other party climbs now, just like when he stepped on the newly promoted number one Mo Hui'an, Mo Hui'an is destined to be a stepping stone on the road to his charter success.

The communication suddenly rang, and the charter looked at the B-class thick thigh guy displayed on the screen.

The charter smiled strangely and became happy, sure enough, the other party saved him, otherwise how could he have called so coincidentally, and the market must have come to celebrate his escape from prison.

But as soon as it was connected, there was an angry voice from the other side, the man in the suit with his hairspray hair was angry, without the usual exquisite care, Jia Buyu could not contact people in the past few days, almost a hundred times a day, seven hundred times, and now the other party's communication was finally communicated to him.

He was furious.

"Your score is quite big, when it comes to the live broadcast in the tenth district, you will call, this just reached the waist board of the tenth district, you dare to block me?" This Jue doesn't need me, want to dump me to play?! The

words that the charter originally wanted to thank suddenly swallowed back, the other party seemed to treat him as a runaway, listening to this tone to save him, how did it not look like a B-class boss?

Jia Buwo thought of the house purchase money he lent to the other party a few days ago, and the charter this kid disappeared on the hind foot, thinking that the charter may run away with his money and Jia Buwo couldn't calm down.

He lost his reputation, fought his reputation, was ashamed of his reputation for high-level ability, dropped to the live broadcast room below the tenth district, went to honor and demoted, worked hard to help the poor anchor, and now not only did not earn, but also may lose ?!

He now just wants to kill this guy who tricked him and let the other party know the price of fooling him.

Although the charter was puzzled, he still nodded in front of Jia Buwu, and Jia Buxian just wanted to run over the Internet to beat the charter and get back all the money that belonged to him.

"When to give money?" Jia Bu said.

Money? The charter was stunned, what money could he have?

"I don't have any money right now." He said helplessly.

And he also wants to borrow money from the other party.

The whole charter was bitter haha, how to explain his appearance, he felt that no one would believe his experience, if it were not for the injuries on this body, even he himself would be like a dream.

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