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Chapter 89

◇ Confrontation and survival under disaster ◇


prison guard said: "The interstellar warden of the tenth district has something to talk to you. It

is the same strong acid rain as in District 13, but more acidic.

The bustling District 10 is now empty, everyone is hiding at home for refuge, and through the window, you can see that half of the buildings outside are old like ghost movies, and half are shiny futuristic technology silver gray.

Looking up at the sky that was originally smooth under the protective cover, it seemed to break one pitch-black hole after another, and the rain mixed with the dark unknown objects above poured in.

Black also slowly invaded the dirt-free air.

Anyone looks at it as an apocalyptic scene, compared with the eighteen districts that are all occupied by pitch black, it is half a pound and eight taels, and it is not at all.

But the people in District 18 are used to it, but the people living in District 10 are not used to it, because this is the first time that the protective shield has been broken in a thousand years, and many people have never seen such a horrific thing; His face was filled with curiosity and fear, and he was frightened.

"The last time the shield was broken, according to historical records, it was about 5,000 years ago." The tall woman in the District 1 building holds an information processor in her hand, her face is serious, and the information on the screen is beating rapidly, but the woman can accurately capture the information she wants to know at a glance.

This time, only a year after the rupture of the protective shield, their central military intelligence agency was already busy with their feet, while contacting the Natural Disaster Research Department when the strong acid rain stopped, and urgently arranged personnel to prepare to go to the tenth district for emergency repair.

This time it was so sudden.

The man next to him, who was also quite tall, heard the footsteps without stopping: "What is the reaction of the Lan family master."

The woman did not lift her head in the pile of data, "Let's save people first." "

The Meteorological Division of the Natural Disaster Research Division said that the heavy acid rain will not stop until three days later."

The man strode forward more and more, and three or two steps into the conference room, a group of people dressed in pitch-black and white military uniforms were all seated, leaving only the central seat.

The man pulled over the chair and sat boldly in the empty seat in the center, and the female deputy stood behind him, "Three days is too long, a building can be completely turned into rust water, this can not save people." The

MIA is extremely powerful on the surface, and has the authority to command, the central government, and all troops in districts 2 to 18.

But in fact, only the military personnel who are in charge of all non-family forces. It is also the main intelligence department of the central government, but in the event of a general disaster, the troops belonging to the forces of various families, only caring about their own families, naturally cherish their own feathers, this kind of thing falls on their military intelligence department.

The so-called able work more.

Split sneered, he would rather not have the hat of this capable person who worked more. The people under him are not people, and they can withstand the dedication of blood sticks corrupted by natural disasters to save people in this weather?

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