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Chapter 114

◇ Strains Fate ◇


will you choose? Lin Guo suddenly froze.

"Burst! The old shore exploded! The old merchant drove to the garden, and the excavator threw it aside and ran to Mohui'an.

The old shore exploded?

"What exploded?" Mo asked back.

Realizing that he had made a slip of the tongue, the old merchant himself laughed, and he 'hi', "It's not you who exploded, it was our peach that exploded yesterday!"

"Peaches are really bursting, you see the hot discussion on the Internet now, that is really liked by men and women, young and old, and now they are calling on the garden to quickly produce and sell more!"

The keychain jingle on his waist rang and the old merchant opened the webpage to show him, "You look at it!" He looked extremely excited, and the old shore leaned over to see if the comments were true, and there were all kinds of comments.

[Eating a bite is about to die beautifully, the whole family is going to die beautifully, but unfortunately there are too many families, so I only ate that bite, since then the soft, fragrant, sweet and smooth taste is unforgettable, thinking of the dream lover, suffering from lovesickness. ]

[I also ask the owner of the garden to be kind and virtuous, and the body is Kangtai, and get this delicious lover's yield as soon as possible, so that I can solve my lovesickness as soon as possible! ]

The sentence is sincere, the inner friendship can only be said to be touching tears in the eyes of all netizens, tears are touching, and the literary brilliance is nowhere to go, it is really touching. Listening to them, tears flowed from the corners of their mouths, it was really touching -

I don't know what kind of taste this taste is, when it is really so disturbing?

As of the end of December, more than 10,000 peaches, including Guess and Happy Family Blessing Prizes, have been given away. The comment area was brushed by more than 10,000 people, and some netizens counted more than 10,000 comments, this is really not less, all the goods received came to comment.

There are also netizens who are fortunate enough to rub peaches seven aunts and eight aunts also came to comment, which really made netizens' jealous saliva fall from their eyes.

[So, when will the owner be able to produce more and sell more!] Will I still be able to eat it when I wait for 'civilians' in my lifetime! Let's die a good death!

】 The money in the

pocket is not too big, and he has no power, and he missed the activities of the owner, is he going to become a lifelong stranger with Peaches in this life, and it hurts to think of this.

To this, the owner only replied with one word in the comment area - "Yes!" "

Cut to the chase, a word is so magnificent, mighty, the more the interstellar people look at this word 'can' the more heroic and powerful, it seems that there is some special spirit in it.

The interstellar people are boiling again, and the owner said that if it can, it must be yes.

But this can be at least ten years, the interstellar people said that ten years is nothing, compared with the long and boring life, that is, let them wait for a hundred years they are also willing, in this hundred years can eat peaches is their only persistent belief.

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