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Chapter 66

◇ Everyone who came to the 18th district fell asleep ◇

The influence of

green plants on the ability to fall into a state of abnormality.

In front of you is a landscape like a vast ocean, and the waves are even more undulating as the wind comes out, which is amazing and amazing. And the air here only enters the lungs, it is a fresh coolness that has never been felt before, a snort, coolness flows close to the whole body with the breath, and the body is as if it has been washed away from the dirt, and the heart is pleasant.

He squinted, it's a pity that he can't broadcast live here, otherwise he will definitely rise to a wave of fans.

The people over there who had taken off their protective suits had been motionless since just now, just like him, and seemed to be in some kind of real shock.

He understands how they feel now.

Feel for yourself how different this miracle happened, and the hand touched the solidity.

Another surprise to Zhou Zai was that the young girls in the forbidden area looked like usual, and there were hundreds of workers who only knew how to work, compared with them, these people looked like hillbillies.

Is it because you have been staying here and are used to this large area of greenery?

Zhou Zaijue's only this statement can explain.

Where did he know that it was not customary at all, that is, the young conductors were just hired yesterday, but on this barren soil, everyone did not know the value of green plants, most people only knew that it smelled beautiful and smelled good, and there was nothing else to dare to think.

Even those who know green plants and abilities like the big stream have never seen what green plants look like, and even if they see green plants in person, they will not necessarily recognize the green plants in front of them.

The group over there had all run into the forest with cheers after the initial startle.

They were even more pleasantly surprised to find that there were chairs for people to rest in the forest at some point, and occasionally there would be small tables, shaded by green trees, and then a gentle breeze, which felt...

Zhou Zai can only be described as refreshing.

It's really refreshing.

It's so cool.

He craned his neck and closed his eyes, opening his hands upwards as if embracing something. Tired, then sat on the side of the seat and continued to close his eyes to feel, and finally lay directly on the seat, tilted his head and fell asleep.


The audience in the live broadcast room really waited for the first wave of people to say that they felt it, so they watched a group of people enter through the camera, as if they were under some kind of magic, they made very enjoyable comfortable movements, and then brushed together and fell asleep inside... Asleep!

Did this gang want them to watch them sleep all day here?

But the audience on the other side was desperate that they had no vocal ability to wake up this group of people who had not slept for a hundred years, but they found that there was something even more desperate for them next.

That is, after the next four waves of people came, they moved so neatly and uniformly, so exactly the same... Go to bed!

Well, now the number one hundred is all together, and they all sleep neatly.

✓Interstellar Plant Recovery AnchorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora