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Chapter 32

◇ Didn't sleep all night ◇

Leibe loosened his tie again, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down restlessly, as if he wanted to ease this tense atmosphere

Speaking of money, the big guy replied really fast.

After wondering for a moment why the big guy still loves money so much, he was immediately touched by the big guy's closeness and concern for him.

He felt that after this cooperation, the big guy discovered his deep potential, and he felt that he really had potential, so the big guy would reply to him so quickly. No matter how fast it was, and this time I took the initiative to send him a message.

Indeed, the change of the big guy is changed before and after the battle spirit in the live broadcast room, and the charter is more and more excited when I think about it.

Thinking further, the big guy is admitting that they are a community of interests! You enter me in, you retreat and I retreat, the true friendship of advancing and retreating together!

He is an incompetent person, how can He De make the big guy so close.

Charter was also excited for a night without sleeping, and he was also scolded in the live broadcast room for a night. On the second day, the charter opened his eyes, but he was stunned.

Not a penny in the background.

He had run out of money before, so what did he take to buy a house in District 10 to settle down, and what to use to pay for the first mortgage funds.

And he topped the list, but none of the tips were also one of the platform's annual bizarre events and became one of the hot topics on the platform.

However, there was still not a penny.

How can there be no penny in such a high popularity, and the charter suspects that there is a problem with the settlement of the platform. Then he called the platform and got a polite reply from the other side, and there was no settlement problem on the platform.

And the platform also told him that because a large number of users reported him and asked to get back the previous tipping amount. The whistleblower has exceeded a thousand, and he must also repay all the tips received before.

The tone of the platform is not very good, for the newcomer anchor, the platform side is the majority, the hesitation refund amount is huge, the platform refund is not less, has been credited as a loss by the financial side.

The total turnover is linked to the customer service annual bonus, quarterly bonus, and monthly bonus.

The platform hung up the communication after saying a huge number.

Charter looked at the hung communication dumbfounded.

In this way, before he entered the tenth district, he first took on a huge debt.

No, how can this fan turn his face ruthlessly like this!

He's not gone yet! How can it be said that turning over the face is faster than the season of thunderstorms.

The charter was angry and completely forgot when he called the fans stupid.

Early morning.

The man sat in a seat shaded by green leaves, looking intently at the screen, and his reclining posture seemed to last this all night.

A video beep came.

Mo returned to the shore to connect the video and pinched his tired brows. He was looking through the comments and messages of fans last night, and one of the messages from District 13 made him care.

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