Dinah Lance- Drink (a)

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Dinah rolled her eyes and spun with her bar stool.

"What, do you get asked that often?" She sighed and threw her studded jacket over her arms before muttering something about being able to drink in peace.

"More than you'd think, and that's considering the sleazebags Sionis invites to this... upstanding establishment." You managed to convince her to stay, assuring her that the drink was nothing more than a friendly gesture and a tip for her amazing performance, not a gateway to romantic endeavours.

"Roman invited me here himself... I don't seem so bad do I." She ran her eyes up and down you as the bartender placed her drink a top a white, folded napkin.

"That man knows a lot of people; I don't think I've ever met one I'd call a decent person." She brought the amber hued glass to her mouth and swirled the ice for just a moment before bringing it to her lips.

"I was just brought along as a plus one, my uncle works for Roman. Personally, I can't stand the guy but he does throw a mean party and he definitely knows how to pick an entertainer." Your compliment had no affect on her, she must have had every crony in the city trying to chat her up at one point or another. "This isn't really my kind of scene if I'm honest. The fancy drinks, the scantily clad women and half the cities crooks here kissing up to Roman."

"What is your scene then?" Two empty glasses were quickly whisked from the bar almost as soon as they were put down and it was not much of a wait for Dinah to ask for two replacements. "These are on me."

"I don't know... somewhere not so loud and full of criminals."

"This is New York, good luck with either of those. Is there somewhere else you'd rather go?"

"Home probably, home would be pretty good right now but my uncle was my ride and I'd rather not get stabbed on the walk back to my apartment." Dinah thanked the bartender as two new drinks found their home in front of you.

"I'll walk you home, my head hurts and the faster I can get out of this place the better to be honest. Normally Roman would make me stay for a second set but what's he going to do? Kill me?"

You both nervously laughed, hoping that was not a bad omen for the future.


Written by Aaron.

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