Chapter 187 The Hope

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"Hmm, I don't want to be a thug anymore, so I decided to be the boss's attendant," Zhao Feng answered with a smile.

"I think you are fawning on my dear boss to get some delicious food. Hmph. However, being an attendant of the boss is better than being a thug. You'd better think hard about being boss's attendant," Liang Mengqi curled her lips and said, not believing his words.

"I've already left the gang," Zhao Feng slightly shook his head and said.

"Really?" Seeing his expression, Liang Mengqi somewhat believed him. She looked Zhao Feng up and down, then snorted and said, "Whether you have left or not has nothing to do with me. I only like our boss."

"You can't like my PaPa, hum," said Mengmeng, who stood on the side warily.

This beautiful elder sister is the most dangerous person. She is always saying that she loves PaPa. Hum, I'll definitely tell MaMa when she comes back.

"Not only do I like your PaPa, but I also like you. Hee, hee, hee," Liang Mengqi said while laughing.

"No way." Mengmeng pouted and turned her head away.

After Zhang Han opened the door, the entire group walked into the restaurant.

"Boss, what shall we have for lunch today?" Yu Qingqing glanced at the counter in the kitchen and asked.

"Why do you always ask so many questions? Just eat what the boss makes." Liang Mengqi rolled her eyes at Yu Qingqing.

"Qingqing is a carnivore. Boss, when will we have a complete pork banquet again?" Interjected Zhao Dahu.

"The next time I feel like it." Zhang Han casually replied, "There's also some meat with lunch today. You can sample sausage fried rice."

"A new product! How interesting!" Yu Qingqing's eyes lit up. The smell of sausage made her mouth water.

Zhao Feng and the other people sat at the usual table and chatted.

Zhang Han put Mengmeng on the sofa and asked her to watch TV for a while, then he went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Sausage fried rice was similar to egg fried rice, it just had sausage and less egg. This kind of fried rice was filled with the flavor of sausage.

The sausage Zhang Han added was red sausage, which could be called Harbin sausage, and came from the northeast area of China. It originated from Lithuania in Eastern Europe. When the Mid-east railway was under construction, large quantities of foreigners packed into Harbin and brought their knowledge on making sausages.

Its original name was boudin, and it had spanned nearly a century of history since it was introduced into Harbin. Due to its purplish-red appearance, it was gradually named red sausage.

After so many years, Harbin red sausage had already become one of the main specialties of Northeast China. Generally speaking, people who went traveling to Harbin would choose to bring this specialty back to their relatives who had not tried it. A few years ago, Harbin red sausage had even been selected as one of the 14 Overseas Chinese Miss Most Snacks on CNN. The reason they had given had been that Harbin red sausage was chewier than the hot dogs of North American and more delicious than English sausage.

Of course, living in a society where things were easy to order, people were likely to buy fake products. There were several major brands of Harbin red sausage: Harbin Meat Co, Churin Leadfoods, Shangwei. Relatively speaking, these three were the most famous. If you wanted to buy authentic red sausages, you needed to check the designated place of sale.

The red sausage of Harbin Meat Co possessed many titles, such as China's Time-honored Brand, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Heilongjiang Province, and so on. Red sausage produced by Churin Leadfoods was considered to be the most authentic Harbin red sausage, adopting traditional European techniques. While the red sausage of Shangwei was sold neither in branches nor on the Internet. If you wanted to buy some, you have to queue up at midnight in front of the store. If you arrived late, you would only see five words on the door: Red sausages are sold out.

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