Chapter 14 - The Sensation of Selling a House

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The time moved very quickly and it was already evening.

At 5pm, Zhang Han received a call from Liu Meng.

"Mr Zhang, I have some lead on the matter already." Liu Meng said with a smile.

"What is the situation?" Zhang Han raised his brows. He felt somewhat unexpected that there was already a lead regarding the matter. Seems like, this Liu Meng actually has some doorways within the Lands Department.

"Let me speak about the conditions first, and you see if you can accept it or not. If you can accept it, I will tell you about the matter in detail."


"Firstly, you can only rent the mountain for 1-3 years time, and most likely during the third year, the mountain will be expropriated. When that time comes, you will have to unconditionally comply with everything concerning Crescent Mountain. Furthermore, there are also a lot of restrictions of what you can and can't do at Crescent Mountain even after you rent Crescent Mountain. I will not speak about those restrictions first. As for the cost of renting the mountain, originally for your situation, it would normally be at least 20million rmb per year. However, since you are a friend of Anna, I will give you face. You give me 2million rmb to bribe around the Lands Department, and I will be able to push down the rental fee of the mountain to 10million rmb per year." Liu Meng went straight to the point and said.

"Can, I have no issues." Zhang Han was also not draggy and straightforwardly agreed.

"Alright! Then let me tell you about the restrictions that will follow along with renting Crescent Mountain......" Liu Meng began his lengthy conversation.

Zhang Han quietly listened to Liu Meng talk. For a whole 5 minute, Zhang Han listened to Liu Meng talk about the restrictions. Thus, it was obvious that there were a lot of restrictions.

Simply explain the restrictions, it was that Zhang Han could not move around anything that was in Crescent Mountain. With the rental cost of 10million rmb per year, the most Zhang Han could do was plant some things in the mountain and also climb the mountain to go sightseeing.

After all, this was just renting of the mountain and not bidding of the mountain. If it was bidding of the mountain, the amount of money that would be needed would be absurdly high. It has to be known that, the mansions that were at Crescent Gulf were priced at 10million rmb above each. So, for a place like Crescent Mountain where the land location was much better compared to Crescent Gulf, if any mansions were built at Crescent Mountain, the price of each of those mansions would be insanely high.

For there to be so many restrictions even after renting the mountain, if it was changed to someone else, they would definitely not be able to agree with it. However, Zhang Han only lightly nodded his head and said,


At the same time, a faint radiance flickered within Zhang Han's eyes.

Not able to move anything? Restrictions? All of those were nonsense!

Right now, it was also mainly because Zhang Han did not have any strength. If he was in the Xiantian Realm, he would not have the need to care about that much stuff and just immediately occupy the mountain with force!

However, as for now, he still has to be honest and well-behaved. Silently becoming rich was the true way of the king!

With regards to silently becoming rich, Zhang Han had comprehended it to the greatest heights. Back then when he entered into the Cultivation World, he had searched for treasures for 500 years. Before he had reached to Tribulation Realm, no one knew just who Hanyang Immortal Monarch was. But when he reached the peak of Tribulation Realm, after only a few years passed, the name of Hanyang Immortal Monarch had resonated throughout the myriad worlds!

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