Chapter 38 - The idea of selling songs

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Meng Meng said pitifully.

Zhang Han shook his head, placed the trolley at one side, turned around and carried Meng Meng towards the crowd.

At the same time, Zhang Han slightly sighed in his heart.

Meng Meng was still too kindhearted already. But it also still made sense, a person's first nature was originally benevolent, there was not a single person who was an evil person right after they were born. A person's growing environment and the kind of education the person had received had a very huge impact on what kind of person he or she would become in the future.

Remember that there was a specialized organization who said that, from the moment when a child was born up to they were 7 years old, was the period where their temperament was basically decided. Thus, it was obvious that a child's education was very important when they were small.

However, Zhang Han felt that if a person was too kind-hearted, then they would bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind. To pity every pitiful person, then that would be somewhat over the top already. Seems like I still have to find a time to let Meng Meng take a look at society's true appearance.

Zhang Han thought to himself while walking towards the crowd.

Pushing aside people and squeezing into the crowd, the elegant and cool woman and her son were crying harder, and the complexion of the old man was also getting paler and paler.

Even the 2 staff members also gave up on the first aid treatment and stood at one side helplessly.

"Let me take a look at him."

Zhang Han took a look indifferently at the elegant and cool woman, and not waiting for the woman to answer, after finish speaking, he placed one of his hand onto the old man's wrist, while carrying Meng Meng with his other hand.

Spiritual strength moved from Zhang Han's vessels to his fingers, then penetrated into the old man's body and started swimming around.

1 second, 2 seconds......

Finally, after 20 seconds, Zhang Han discovered the location of the abnormality.

At this time, Zhang Han's expression was tranquil. Zhang Han stretched out his hand and place his palm onto the old man's chest, then immediately clapped downwards!


A dull sound rang out and immediately gave the entire crowd a shock.

The old man's situation was already very terrible and this guy actually dared to beat onto the old man's chest with that much?

Everyone did not understand just what happened and glared at Zhang Han who had a tranquil face.

Even that cool and elegant woman was also somewhat dazed. Just when she was about to open her mouth,

"Pfff...cough, cough, cough...pfff......"

The old man who was on the ground suddenly started coughing and phlegm was sput out from his mouth in quick succession.

"Ah? Father, father, how are you? Father, how are you......" The cool and elegant woman was pleasantly surprised as she asked while shedding tears of joy.

"Pant, pant......" The old man took a few deep breaths, and said lightly, "Aiyo, I felt so stuffy just now. I'm feeling better after spitting out the phlegm. I'm fine......"

Upon seeing that Zhang Han saved the old man, the crowd couldn't help but start clapping. A bunch of surprised gazes was looking at Zhang Han and incessant words of praise could be heard coming from the crowd.

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