Chapter 111 Nail Down the Song

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When Li Fan saw Zhang Han, with Mengmeng in his arms on the first floor, he walked towards him excitedly.

"Ha, ha, ha, Mr. Zhang, nice to meet you." Li Fan effusively held out his hands.

"Mmm." Zhang Han drew out a hand and shook with him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. I don't know what you like since it's our first meeting, so I just bought some fruit." Xue Qian up the bag in his hand.

"Put it over there." Zhang Han nodded and motioned for the tea table opposite.

"Fruit, Mengmeng wants to pick," Mengmeng said, waving her small palms.

Zi Yan was rather a fruit lover and she used to eat some every day when she was in North America. Simultaneously, Mengmeng had a passion for fruits for she had been eating fruits since childhood.

However, since she was with Zhang Han, she did not eat fruits frequently, because Zhang Han planned to plant fruit trees himself and turned up his nose at the fruits outside.

Besides, the fruit market was completely profitable but chaotic at the same time. Not all fruits were as nutritious as explained. Take apples, for example, many apples on the market suffered problems of pesticide residue, which could not be removed by washing with water.

Therefore, the organic fruits, as well as the fruits cultivated without pesticides, would be prohibitively expensive, but not all of them were of good quality.

You got what you paid for after all.

Zhao Feng, who was standing nearby, quickly took the fruit bag when he heard that the little princess wanted to eat fruit. He then went to the kitchen, washed some grapes, bananas and other fruits and put them into a fruit tray.

He acted like a waiter, more importantly, his behavior meant "respect" for Zhang Han.

If a person respected him, he would treat the person equally. Although Zhang Han never said anything about these things, he had seen it all.

Zhao Feng washed the fruit and put it on the tea table in front of the sofa.

"PaPa, PaPa, put Mengmeng down, I'm going to eat fruit." Mengmeng wriggled in Zhang Han's arms and looked really cute.

Li Fan and Xue Qian were overjoyed to see Mengmeng and they both exclaimed with admiration,

"Mr. Zhang's daughter is really beautiful."

"That's right, it's the first time I have seen such a pretty girl."

If the two praised Mengmeng before, she would have been chuffed to talk with them, but now the little princess was focused on the fruit. No sooner had Zhang Han put her on the ground than she ran towards it.

Zhao Feng hesitated, considering that he had better make himself scarce if the boss talked with others, but his curiosity stuck him on the sofa.

"Er... Mr. Zhang, we..." Li Fan wanted to get straight to the point to talk about the song after a while.

However, Xue Qian directly interrupted, "It's not easy to compose such a high-quality song. I think Mr. Zhang has high attainments in music."

"Yeah." Zhang Han nodded calmly.

But he felt a little... weird.

Arguably, he was only a "porter" of this song. He just wrote the song in advance which did not emerge yet. However, he felt enjoyable that people spoke highly of him.

"Well, I want to deliberate over some details with you. Why don't we find a recording studio to listen to it?" Xue Qian said with a tone of inquiry.

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