Chapter 32 - Buy a Pet Dog

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"You of course understand?"

Zi Yan sneered and said, "Not mentioning about this matter for now, what was that all about during this morning? Don't you know how hot Xiangjiang is during the afternoon? Do you think that it is good to bring Meng Meng to that mountaintop to get shined by the sun and blown by the wind? When you look at Meng Meng's face which was filled with sweat, could you even bear it?"

"The temperature at Crescent Mountain is not high at all." Zhang Han answered calmly.

"You are bluffing again. Zhang Han, you should at least have some basis when you try to bluff people right? The temperature in all of Xiangjiang is hot, yet only the temperature at your Crescent Mountain is not hot?" Zi Yan said indignantly.

"You will know next time when you come to Crescent Mountain." Zhang Han said calmly. Thinking for a bit, he then added, "The previous time you came to Crescent Mountain was during the night, so naturally you were not able to feel anything. You will know when you come to Crescent Mountain during the day. Furthermore, during the day at Crescent Mountain, you will be able to see things that are much more beautiful compared to during the night."

Zi Yan's expression paused for a moment, the corner of her mouth wiggled, with her tone becoming somewhat lighter, she said out a sentence, "So is this your invitation to me?"

But Zhang Han said something which spoiled the mood,

"It can be counted as my invitation to you I guess, whether you come or not depends on you."

"Humph!" Zi Yan glared at him for a bit, took off her cowboy jacket, revealing the white color small garment inside, which immediately highlighted her graceful figure. Sitting on the chair, she fixed her eyes onto Zhang Han and said, "You changed."

"What of me changed?" Zhang Han sat onto the chair beside Zi Yan.

Zi Yan took a look at his somewhat dirty clothes, then took a look at the chair which might have been dirtied. If it was someone else, she would definitely stop him, but towards Zhang Han, she did not say anything, but instead muttered for a bit, then slowly opened her mouth and said,

"You were one of the four young masters in Shangjing back then. I heard about some things regarding you. My friends which were in Shangjing all said that you were aggressive, very haughty, would always cause trouble and beautiful women were constantly at your side."

"Young and frivolous, just relatively childish during that period. that's all." Zhang Han shook his head.

Remembered that there was this saying, the older generation would say towards the arrogant young generation, young people, don't be too insolent, and the younger generation would immediately retaliate, not being insolent, is that still called young people?

This sentence spoke out many people's thoughts. Everyone all had a time when they were young. Young people were hot-blooded, sensitive, and paid extreme attention to the spirit of loyalty.

When a friend was bullied, young people would immediately rush up and stand beside their friend no matter what reason, not considering any consequences that would come after. And as people grow older, people began to have bindings and would think before they did something. Even if they had the intentions to help, but if they did not have the capability, they would not take the initiative forcibly.

Of course, there was no absolute in all things, there were still many adults who would be fired up all day long.

Returning back to the topic, hearing Zhang Han's words, Zi Yan smiled slightly and said,

"Later on I heard that you had an accident and was driven out of Zhang Family. Originally, I thought that with your temperament, you would change a place to live at, but I never would have thought that you would obstinately stay at Shangjing, and even stayed for 5 years. Seems like you this young master still has his own backbone."

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