Chapter 185 The Instructor Is Stunned

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At this point, Zhang Han looked at Dahei, who was squatting nearby. He had been listening for a long time.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Dahei twisted its mouth, then stood up and started running over.

"Ah?" Instructor Liu suddenly froze.

He saw the chimpanzee sitting nearby just now, but he had not expected it to be more than two meters tall.

Once it stood up, it was frightening. But, how could an animal compare to a martial artist?

Instructor Liu smiled scornfully and said, "Mr. Zhang, you are good at joking. Why are you sending a chimpanzee to fight against me? It's not easy to raise a pet. It will be a little impolite if I beat it to death."

"It doesn't matter. You can fight him using your full strength. He has very good physical endurance," Zhang Han said, while thinking that his words were really funny.

While speaking, he picked up Mengmeng, who had stretched out her small arms. She seemed to know that they were going to have a competition.


After hearing what Instructor Liu said, Dahei was unhappy. He stared at Instructor Liu as he extended his fist out towards him and turned down his thumb.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Dahei put on a dismissive expression, as if to say, "You're so weak!"

"Hmm? Interesting!" Instructor Liu examined Dahei from top to bottom, then clasped his hands together, forming a ring. At the same time, he shook his head and clapped twice, then said, "Since you sent him out, I won't hurt to show you my strength."

"Instructor!" Zhao Feng's stomach trembled. He could no longer hold back his laughter as he commented with a smile, "Instructor, be careful. Puff... Ahem!"

"How odd." Instructor Liu gave Zhao Feng a disgruntled look.

He did not know what this silly boy was laughing at.

"Come on."

After doing some stretches to loosen up his arms, Instructor Liu suddenly became serious. He moved and rushed towards Dahei like lightning.

He took three steps and moved five meters forward. When he approached, he punched towards Dahei's chest with a right hook.

He used eighty percent of his strength with this punch!

Dahei would probably be able to endure it with his great stature. At the worst he would be knocked out by this punch without being injured.

However, what surprised him was that the chimpanzee, when facing his incoming fist, did not dodge but just stood there, as if it were struck dumb.

"In the end, animals are animals and know nothing about strength."

Instructor Liu's fist approached Dahei. After seeing his reaction, he withdrew ten percent of his strength and hit it in the chest with only seventy percent of his strength.


A soft dull thud rang out.


Instructor Liu was instantly astonished! He felt that something was wrong.

Why didn't the chimpanzee slump to the ground after receiving that punch?

"Oh, it's really resistant to being beaten!"

Instructor Liu gave a loud cry, "Tallyho!"

His left fist hit Dahei in the chest with ninety percent of his strength.

Godly Stay-Home Dad (01-200)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن