Chapter 123- The Munchies and We're Just Alright

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Stella's P.O.V.

Hunter has been home for about 3 hours now he just came back from a mini tour in the UK and he was in the room with me sleeping it was 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep I was starving but we didn't have anything I really wanted I ate everything I wanted earlier. "Hunter?" I jabbed him in his side.



"WHAT IS IT? IS IT TIME!!?" he got off the bed real quick.

"Hunter calm down I'm only 7 months alright there still baking"

"OH right" he sat back down throwing the covers over his head.

"Hunter?" I jabbed him in the side once more.


"I'm hungry"

"Then go to the kitchen"

"I checked but I don't want anything in there...... I want subway"

"Subway ins't open Ariel" he turned over onto his stomach. 

"I know..... But can we go to the store and get stuff to make me a sandwich?"

"Stella come on in the morning I'm tired... We have sandwich meat in the fridge?"

"Correction we did at one point but I ate that for lunch....... I want fries and ice cream and wine oh no not wine"

"Don't think about food and just sleep" he said talking into his pillow.


"FINE" he got up and started putting on his converse "But if I freeze to death out there it's not my fault"

"Alright can I come with you? I haven't been out of the house for a couple weeks."

"Nope I don't want you catching a Cole get off the bed....a cold" he kissed my lips as Cole left the room he had my cat in his mouth. 

"MOVE HUNTER GET OUT OF THE WAY" I half pushed him out of the way. "COLE LET GO OF MY CAT LET GO OF HER" Hunter came into the hallway.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"YOU'RE DOG IS EATING COKE-COLA MAKE HIM STOP HUNTER"  Cole ran full speed and I could hear Coke Cola meowing. 

"COLE!!!" Hunter ran after him telling him "PUT HER DOWN RIGHT NOW YOU'RE NOT BEING A GOOD FRIEND NOR BROTHER COME TO ME RIGHT NOW" Cole stopped and walked to Hunter "DROP COKE COLA RIGHT THIS MINUTE" he did as he was told he dropped her then he licked her head.

"You devil" I told Cole then I picked her up she was wet but she wasn't hurt or scared. 

"I'm sorry... Is she alright?"

"Yeah she it"

"Were they playing or something?" 

"Charming I don't think Cole wanted to eat her face off I think he wanted to play football with her" 

"I'm sorry Stella"

"It's alright can we go to the store now before I hit your dog"

"We can go." I put Coke Cola in mine and Hunter's bedroom and I closed the door behind me.

*30 Minutes Later*

We were inside Walmart.

"You know I just noticed you been looking prego for couple months now. Remember when we took a group picture 3 months ago you could totally tell that you're pregnant"

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now