Chapter 35- You don't know me

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Hunter's P.O.V.

"How do you know all this you don't know me Sir. Just because you had problems with balancing your work with your family doesn't mean I'm going to. I love your Granddaughter and just because you say you don't want us together well that's just not your decision wake up and smell the coffee its not the 18th century anymore family now a days don't have a say so to stop relationships the only people who has say so is Stella and I. And I have no plans on breaking up with Stella and as far as I know Stella doesn't have any plans either". I became really cold towards him I don't like the feeling I have in my stomach I now have towards him. Gosh how dare he say that to me I'm not going to be like that towards Stella at all I thought to myself. "Sir I love your Granddaughter and I'm going to give her everything she needs" I told him becoming more soft. 

Just then Stella came walking in with a huge smile on her face saying "What are my boys talking about in here?" 

"Sports" I told her lying. She knew that too and she gave me one of those looks that read I know you're lying why are you lying to me kind of look. But she didn't say anything about it.

"Oh well alright Dinner's done though boys" she said rubbing my back and smiled down at me she then turned around and left the room. 

"So you didn't tell her about our little conversation look at that now you're a liar too GOSH what else are you?" He got up and limped a bit he then turned to me saying "I hope you two will be broken up by Monday or I will come up with a way to break you guys up" I gave him a look and walked right past him.

 I was really not pleased with our conversation. 

I walked into the kitchen and came up behind Stella putting my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear. "Stella?" she looked at me and I gave her a kiss knowing her Grandfather was in the room with us I can just tell he isn't approving she hugged me saying "No more kissing right now my Grandfather is in the room" 

"Fine fine" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled at me. I think she could tell I was not very happy.

"Hunter what's wrong?" she whispered to me after a while as I helped her put plates down on the table. 

"Nothing I will tell you later alright?" her Grandfather finally sat down full of huge fake smiles. I have the sudden urge to punch him in his face. But I held my head up straight and I kept my fists down. I pulled out Stella's seat "Aww Thank you Charming you're to kind." I sat down on the chair next to her. "You're very welcome Ariel" I told her.

"Hey Hunter you do know that's not her name right?" her Grandfather asked.

"Yeah I know" I told him.

"Then why do you call her that?" Stella bumped into the conversation saying "Actually funny story that's my favorite Disney princess and so I really don't know how we got into calling each other Disney things but we do and I kinda really like it" he completely ignored what she told him and asked me "So Hunter is Ariel like an old girlfriend and you just can't let go so you just started calling Stella Ariel?"

"No I call Stella Ariel because she loves the little mermaid it's just a nickname I gave her awhile back." 

"Yeah Gramps" Stella said wearing a very confused facial expression. "Guys what is with all the guy tension in the room?"

"Ask Hunter" her Grandfather told her and she looked at me.

"Don't ask me he's the one with the issues with me" she looked at him.

"Don't give me that look Stella" he told her and she crossed her arms saying "Guys let's keep this evening drama free alright let's just enjoy each other's company" she looked at her Grandfather while saying that.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin