Chapter 25- Hmmmmmmmmm What A Dream

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Hunter's P.O.V.

*Couple days later from chapter 24*

It's 10 am and I decided to call Stella. I hear a muffled "Hello"

"Hey babe wakey wakey you doing anything"?

"Yeah sleep ever heard of it?"

"Nope" that made her laugh.

"So Stella we are like boyfriend and girlfriend right?"

"Yeah we are definitely girlfriend boyfriend Hunter"

"Good just checking.. Are you going to see your Gramps again today"

"No not today the doc's told me to stop going for a couple of days because apparently they don't like when I hang around while they are running tests because I like to know what they are doing to him"

"Ok good good"

"Hey that's not good Hunter I want to see him its lonely in my house and its quiet and I want to watch Dallas with him" she became real quiet and she trailed off.

"Hey babe its going to be ok alright? I bet he will be just fine. I promise he will be home real soon"

"Hunter please don't promise things that you have no control over"

"Hey Ariel just calm down deep breaths alright?"

"Ok Charming....... So why did you call?" I could hear taking her deep breaths.

"To hear you breathe into the phone" I chuckled.

I knew smiled at that remark.

"But also Stella I called to tell you you're hanging out with me and no butts or anything I think its time for you to meet some of my friends. I'm picking you at 5 tonight alright? Well I got to go"

"Alright I'll be ready.. Whoa Wait Hunter do I need to dress nice or casual?"

"Just don't come in your rode......... Jeans and a cute tee is fine"

"Ok thanks bye Happy Feet"

"Bye lovely"

I drove into her drive way at 5 o'clock. And there was an ambulance parked outside her house. I ran over to her house door and banged on it. She opened it wearing a white sun dress. "Oh hey Hunter come on in"

"Are you alright Stella"

"Yeah I'm fine why"

"There is an ambulance sitting outside your house I got worry something happened to you or something".

She looked out her door window and then back at me saying "Uhm no there isn't Hunter"

I looked outside her window too nothing was there no big ambulance or my car.

I looked over at Stella she was turning blue and she looked cold and she was wet and she looked pregnant. But wait how we never. Why was she blue and wait.

"Stella are you alright... Stella" she fell. Her dress around her stomach was turning red.

I sat on the floor trying to grab her but she kept pushing me away. She kept saying "No Hunter I'm alright go you need to go" her voice sounded like she was drowning.

I kinda got this voice in my head that said "I'm not leaving you".

I moved my hand and saw that it was starting to turn blue just like Stella's body . I felt really cold and dizzy and I couldn't breath. I started to feel like I was falling but how could I feel like I'm falling I'm sitting right here I can feel the floor.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now