Chapter 73- Supernatural and Sweethearts

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Stella's P.O.V.

We walked into the kitchen and Hunter seemed nervous all of a sudden. I sat on the kitchen counter as Hunter did the dishes he hands were shaking. "Hey Charming are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine why?"

"You're shaking baby"

"No I'm not" he handed me a dish. I dried it and I put it away.

"Are you sure Charming? You know you can tell me anything right you do know that?"

"I do thank you but really I'm fine" he handed me another dish.

"You know I'm sitting here and all I can think of short people problems I have to sit on the counter just to put your cups away" I told him and he laughed making me smile. 

"Right I have like a stool in here some where don't know where it is now Cole likes to play with it but anyway I have to stand on that and jump a little bit to put the cups up there". Cole walked into the room probably wondering where Hunter was. 

"Hey Cole" I told him. 

Hunter looked at Cole and asked "Hey buddy are you hungry?"

"YOU HAVEN'T FED YOUR DOG YET?" I half asked half screamed a him. 

"Nope he was sleeping" Hunter said drying his hands with a dish towel and walked over to the cabinet he bent down opening it he grabbed the food. I'm so not complaining about the view. He put some food in Cole's bowl and Cole almost knocked him over eating it very hungrily.  

"Do you see that Hunter you're starving him to death. Why don't you get him one of those bowl's that you fill to the top and he can come and eat it when ever he wants to like the one I have my Coke Cola. 

"Yeah I tried that when I first got him and he ate it all within an hour then he wanted more."

"Oh this is why cats are better than dogs" I told him smiling. I was waiting for him to disagree so we can get into a fun agreement about which breed is better. He always gives up once I pull out my phone to state real facts.

"Why do I love you again?" he asked me.

"Ugh because I have heard that I'm sexy, nice, and wonderful and you can't live without me"

"And who told you all that?" he asked with a little smile.

"Um you"

"Sounds like something I would say" he kissed my nose and then he started laughing.

"Why are you laughing happy feet?"

"You got all crossed eyed when I did that." he laughed some more.

"Well so did you" we both started laughing he handed me a plate and it slipped out of my hand and it hit the ground it shattered scaring Cole he dashed behind Hunter looked and ran away out of the room. Hunter and I looked at each other at the ground where the plate was and where Cole had been we looked at each other again laughing. 

"That was so funny" Hunter told me as he grabbed the broom and I grabbed the dust pan. 

"Sorry about the plate Hun"

"It's alright its just a plate baby" we cleaned it up. "Just be careful where you walk alright sweetheart just in case there are still pieces" he looked at me as I jumped up the counter telling him "K".

We finished the dishes and we walked into the living room. "Do you want to watch a movie Ariel?"

"Sure what do you want to watch?"

"You pick" Hunter told me.

"I picked last time it's your turn"

"Well I'm giving you my turn just as long as you don't put on a stupid movie like Twilight or Titanic"

"Please Hunter do you even know me I would never give those stupid movies ratings." he chuckled at my response. "Vampires don't sparkle I don't even know why you bring it up" I said to myself and Hunter started cracking up because he knows how much I hate Twilight. I sat down on the front room floor and looked through all his movies. "Do you want to finish Star Trek?"

"You know you don't have to pick that just because I like it"

"I like it too" I lied I just felt bad he was giving me his movie turn.

"Sure you do." he said very sarcastically. "You fell asleep last time we watch Star Trek together"

"HEY you wore me out walking all around Nash all day its hard work to walk you know" he shrugged and he started petting Cole. I love the way he acts with him its so adorable. "Fine do you want to watch the greatest show on the entire planet?"

Hunter face lit up "Supernatural?" 

"Yup" I told him smiling.

"YES... Put it on!!!"

"I thought so" I said putting in the disc I handed Hunter the clicker saying "I'll be right back alright?"

"Ok" Hunter got and went into the kitchen and I went to the bathroom I came back out like 3 minutes later. Hunter was sitting back down on the couch he was on his phone.

"What's up?" I asked him while I sat next to him.

"Oh nothing Sammy texted me"

"Oh what does he want?"

"None of your bee's wax"

"What really you're mean"

"I'm just kidding Ariel he wants to know if I did it yet"

"Did what Charming?"

He shrugged and said "I don't know he's a crazy man" He turned on the movie and handed me my real sugar Pepsi that he had on the floor. "Hey Stella?"

"Yeah Hun?"

"You look pretty tonight"

"Aww thanks Hun you look pretty sexy too" I told him as he pressed play.

I got up and shut off the lights as I sat down he handed me a bowl of the candy conversation sweet tarts hearts it's my favorite Valentine's day candy. "Yummy thank you" I usually hold the bowl full of food and Hunter man's the clicker that's his job. He got after a while "Where are you going? Want me to pause?"

"Nope you can keep it on if you like" he left the room and I paused it. He came out of the bathroom a minute later than he went into his room... I wonder why is acting so strange tonight. 

"Hun are you alright?"

"I'm fine" he yelled to me from the other room.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" he said coming back into the room he sat back down next to me. He put his arm around me and pressed play.


Hey everyone I want to know what you all think.. 

Why do you think Hunter is acting so strange... Could it be Kim? Or is Valentine's day just catching up with him? 

Castiel (Picture above) is totally explaining this chapter lol this chapter has to be one of favorites. I hope it's all your guys favorite too. 

Thanks so much for reading chapter 73- Supernatural and Sweethearts.

Thanks :) <4 ;) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora