Chapter 5- Violet & Holding Hands

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Stella P.O.V

*Afternoon of Chapter 4*

*Stella's Booth*

So my friend best friend in the whole wide world is helping me maintain my booth due to my Grandpa can't take of it since he sick and it's a lot of work for just one person so she invited herself to come and help.

"So what can I do to help?" Violet asked as she walked up to me.

"Well you could wash your hands then start washing the vegetables that I just got from Grandma's garden" I told her as I hand her the bin of veggies.

"OK I will get right on it Captain " she told me laughing as she washed her hands and started on the veggies.

"Thanks" I said laughing myself.

"SO Stella tell me about this mystery boy that I read about in your diary?"

"What?" I said spinning around... "YOU READ MY DIARY! HOW COULD YOU?"

"What we are basically sisters" she told me with a devilish smile.

"Yeah I wouldn't let my sister touch me or my stuff with a ten foot pole" I said looking away Violet chuckled.

"Vi stay out of my things OK or I will break your hands Missy" I said laughing.

"Fine Fine whatever I'm sorry I over stepped my boundary. Forgive me?" she said flashing her eyes lashes at me.

"Oh how can I stay mad at you?" I said hugging her and then walking away putting her trash in the trash can.

"OK now tell me about this dream boy huh huh huh come on come on come come on. You are killing me with excitement when can I met him, when's the wedding? huh huh huh" Vi said really fast.

"Oh easy there tiger" I said looking at a piece of paper I looked up saying"His name is Hunter, he's about my height but a bit taller."

She interrupted me saying "WOW!!!!!! he's short." 

I shot her a glance saying "NO he isn't he's just super fun size now are you going to let me finish?" 

"Yeah Yeah continue my lady" she said smiling like a crazy person that made me chuckled.

"Ok his name is Hunter, he has super fun size height, oh he's 23, he's a boy my bad excuse me a man, and we both asked for our number at the same time, he seems really nice and fun, also he's my dream boy you want to know why" I asked her.

"Why? Tell me Stella" she told me smiling as she hung onto every word I said.

"He's blonde" I told her.

"NO WAY!!!!!!" she told me.

"YUP!!!" .

"GET OUT!!!!" she told me.

"GET IN"!!! I told her.

"So" she told me.


We laughed.  I let my eyes dance around to see if I can get customers over I saw Hunter holding hands with a girl. I wanted to cry so I guess he is takin too bad I most have waited too long a big whoopin' 15 hours I knew it was all too good to be true.

"What's wrong?" Violet asked.

"That's him" I said pointing.

"Where?" she said moving around to see.

"There" I said pointing in his direction again.

"I don't see anyone all I see if a blonde guy holding a girl hand ohhhhhhhhh" she looked at me "Oh I'm sorry baby girl" she looked super disappointed.

"It's alright. It wasn't like we had a date or anything" I said turning away so I wouldn't have to see them. 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now