Chapter 85- Meeting The Two- Sides Of An Hayniac's

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Stella's P.O.V.

I walked into the Coffee House Experience and sat down in an empty chair. Hunter came in behind me and everyone applaud. He talked and interacted with his fans and I drank an ice coffee and took photos of him when he wasn't looking since I really wasn't supposed to but I kept quite and I stayed undetected. I stayed in the shadowy area hoping no one came up to me and be mean to me like they were to me on Twitter they were tweeting me ever since The Grammy's and The Ellen Show and they weren't very nice. It's really like oh thanks like I didn't get this my whole entire life and I get now I get crap on for loving someone wonderful. 

A girl walked up to me saying "Hello" I smiled at her. "Aren't you Stella right?"

"Yeah I am" 

"You know you and Hunter don't even look good together"

"Sorry you feel that way"

"You know he's only waiting for someone better to come along"

"Alright" I told her. 

"Also could you move you're in the way of the doors to the bathrooms." she told me screaming a bit.

"Sorry" I told her and moved my chair a little bit so she can come through. Hunter looked over at me and smiled. He looked back at the other girls. 

What if she was right. What if I was just sitting duck girl and he will leave me for one of his Hayniac's or worse Kim. I thought to myself I shook my head clearing it and drank some more of my coffee. I'm really stupid Hunter loves me right? That what he's been telling me for the last 3 years. If he didn't we wouldn't have been together this long.

The Coffee House was over and the show started in just a couple of minutes.

"Alright Jeff makes sure she is seated in front alright? I'm trusting you" Hunter told the security guard.

"Alright I know Hunter blah blah blah we been through this the last 6 shows I got it I know how to walk her to go take a seat I got this" Jeff mocked Hunter then smiled at him.

"I'll be fine" I told Hunter.

"I know" he kissed me.

"Hunter let's go hurry up" Sam told him while grabbed his guitar.

Hunter kissed me again and said "Bye" 

"Bye... Break a leg well not really just go have fun" I told him and he walked away with one more kiss.

He waved and went behind the curtain and Jeff toke me out into the crowd and I was placed dead center in the crowd in front of the stage. There were million of girls everywhere and they were loud and my anxiety kicked in and I want Hunter to tell me I was fine.. I really don't like big huge crowds I start to feel claustrophobic.

"Hey hey you're Stella right?" I heard a girl say from behind me.

"No" I told her. I didn't want to be bother I just want to enjoy the show.

"Yeah you are" she told me.

"Fine I am guilty as charged."  I looked at her. 

"OH MY GOD HOW COOL DO YOU MIND IF WE TAKE A SELFIE" she screamed at me trying to be heard over the loud people next to us.

"Sure" We took one.

"You're so pretty by the way Stella" 

"Aw thank you.. You are too"

"You're so responsible... I watched you guys on The Ellen Show and your outfit was so pretty too and the way you took the role of helping your Grandfather was so nice of you that's amazing and Hunter talking about Invisible and his experience and your experience and his crew experience made that song wonderful and touching.. You're really Inspiring" she told me.

"Thanks I really thought all Hayniac's hated me but you showed me other wise so thank you"

"Not all Hayniac's are like that I'm happy if Hunter is happy that's all. I love him all the same as long as he still making music it's alright with me.. Besides you're prettiest and the most loyal person I have seen Hunter take with him anywhere"

"I am?" I laughed.

"You are" she smiled.

Hunter came out and did his set and ever dedicated his new song Still Fallin' to me. The show was over and I caught up to the girl and we talked a bit more during the show and when Hunter was drinking water and before and after his Encore. "Hey Tiffany wait up" she waited for me and we walked out of the place together. 

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Do you want to meet Hunter?"


"Do you want to meet Hunter Hayes?"

"Hell yeah I do but I didn't buy a ticket to meet him"

"SO... Doesn't mean you can't still meet him come with me."

"But way are you letting me meet him?"

"Because you were nice to me" 

"But I wasn't being nice to you so I could meet Hunter"

"I know I'm being nice back. The wheel does come back around. You're actually the only Hayniac that hasn't tried to throw things at me... So come on"

"Awesome" she said as we walked up to the tour bus I knocked on the door since they lock it after the show because one time a fan got in there and scared the crap out of all them. 

Sam opened the door saying "Hey Girly"

"Hey Sammy Hun around?"

"He's changing all sweaty and stuff you know" 

"Well then move I got to see this" I laughed and Sam rolled his eyes laughing.

"Who's she?" he asked.

"A friend... Tiffany this is Sammy"

"I know" she squeaked. 

"Sammy take a picture with her and get the rest of the band to do the same please" he did and I walked into Hunter's room. "Hey Charming I kinda brought a fan of your's on the bus so you can kinda meet her I hope that's alright"

"Of course it is" he kissed me. I didn't want to stop kissing him he was all sweaty and he looked so gorgeous but the band was in the other room and Tiffany was here waiting so I let him go. We walked out of his room "Hi" he told her.

She looked like she was going to pee on herself or something she looked that excited "OH MY GOD YOU'RE HUNTER HAYES.... You weren't joking with me"

"Yeah I am and no Stella doesn't mess around with stuff like this she's very honest" he said laughing. 

"OH MY GOD I'm so sorry for screaming at you but you're Hunter sorry you know that you're Hunter because you're Hunter... I'm Tiffany" 

"Hi Tiffany" they shook hands. And they talked a bit and they took a picture together and he signed her phone case and he had the rest of the band to sign too. 

"Thanks so much all you guys I love you all so much.... I can't wait to see what you all do with the next album I can't wait I hope it comes out soon." 

"Very soon" Andy said sitting on the couch. Her smile became even bigger.

"Stella" she called to me as she was leaving. I followed her off the bus. "I also liked how you stood up at The Grammy's when no one else did for Hunter that was pretty cool and I don't know care what the other Hayniac's are saying about you. You're pretty cool and nice also thank you so freaking much for letting me meet the whole entire band that was so awesome." 

"You're very welcome" We took one more picture and the boys totally photo bombed us. She squeaked again and her ride pulled up and she took a picture of the tour bus "Bye guys thank you so much" she told us and we all weaved to her. 

"Bye Tiffany" we all told her in unison and she drove away.

"She was nice" Matt said. 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now