Chapter 30- Hospital With Stella

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Hunter's P.O.V.

We were waiting in the doctor's room waiting for him to arrive they gave Stella some ice. People looked at us weirdly they must have thought I hit her.

"Hey baby what happened?" she looked away

"I hit the fridge"

"The fridge Sweetheart don't hit back"

"Hunter please"

"No baby please" I grabbed her hands. "Babe you need to tell me what happened so I can help you."

"Hunter I'm alright It's doesn't matter" I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." she moved over on the bed and I sat on the bed with her our feet were hanging over the side.

"My grandfather hi-" The doctor knocked on the door and came in.

"Hi Miss. Chapelle I'm Doctor Applegate"

"Hi" she told him as I hopped off the bed and sat on the chair next to the bed giving them some room.

"Here let me see your head.... oh it's not that bad as the nurse's were making it sound" she gave him a fake smile. "I think you'll need an x-ray and probably some stitches... Here I'll be right back in the meantime please put this grown on in. The bathroom is right there and I'll be right back" he left the room.

"Hey Hunter?" I looked up at her

"Yeah Sweetheart?"

"I don't think I can make it to the bathroom to change without falling do you mind helping me out?"

"No of course not" I got up and I grabbed her hand we walked to the bathroom she looks much worse in the hospital lighting I turn to leave the bathroom but she grabs the back of my belt stopping me I turn back to her.

"Hunter could you help me?" I gave her a look and she smiled and gave me a little laugh "Not with changing just please stay here and just catch me if I become off balanced alright?"

"I can do that" I looked away and as she changed into the grown I could see her back in the mirror I saw that she grabbed my belt again and I grabbed her arm lightly.

"Thanks" I shook my head then remembered that she can't see me so I told her "You're welcome."

We walked back into the main room the Doc came back in the room and took Stella for the x-ray. I sat in the waiting room. I heard a beep and I toke out my cell phone I saw that I got a text message from Kim. She told me she wanted to talk and to meet up at Rosa's place. I texted her back saying I told you to lose my number.. so no... I blocked her number from my phone and once you're blocked on my phone I can't ever receive messages or phone calls, pictures anything ever again and the best thing is I can never unblock you either.

I put my phone away back in my pocket and rubbed my eyes I'm so tired and I'm so worried about Stella. I wish she would just tell me what is wrong and what happened to her I wish she will stop lying to me and just tell me alrighty.

The Doc came back and told me I could come back into the room. When I was about to walk into the room I was stopped by the Doc he asked "Did you hit her sir?"


"Are you sure" I looked at the Doctor.

"YES I'M SURE... What gives you the right to assume anything just do you GOD damn job and don't be a freaking detective GOSH!!" I walked into the room and kissed Stella on the cheek.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

The Doctor glared at me.. Ok I guess by my little performance out there made him believe I hit her more.

"Everyone thinks I hit you"

"You didn't"

"Yeah but can you tell me who did?" I looked at her. I kissed her again on the cheek very lightly.

"I still don't want to talk about it. Can I just tell you later?"

"You want to text it to me?"


"Alright" I kissed her cheek lightly again she turned to me and she kissed my lips quite passionately. The doctor just walked in and I broke up the kiss and he glared at me some more.

"Well I got your results" he put the x-ray posters on the machine. "Its looks like your head is just fine nothing is broken like I expected and the swollen parts have went down greatly so we can now use stitches right here on your hairline above your forehead If we would have used staples it would hurt a lot more.. but were're good I'll be right back with the nurse" he left the room once more.

"So you're fine good. So how are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess my head hurts though"

"Are you going to tell me who hit you later?"

"Hunter please stop pressuring me to tell you I told you I will tell you later" she snap at me.

"I know I know I'm sorry its just that I'm really worried about you"

"I know and I'm sorry for snapping at you.. I promise I'll tell you later alright Charming?" I shook my head at her as she kissed my cheek I smiled she give me a fake smile back..

"Stella Sweetheart don't you dare gave me a fake smile you know better than that" I tickled her on her waist a little bit.

"Oh Crap Hunter do not tickle me" she moved away a bit.

"Alright Alright I'll not anymore I promise" I kissed her and she smiled a real smile at me her brown eyes shinning at me.

"See that's what I'm looking for!!!"

The Doctor came back in telling her that she a concussion and they gave her her stitches and gave her a paper for some type of prescription. We left the hospital I held her hand as we walked out the front door she kissed my cheek as I grabbed her hand...

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now