Chapter 86- That Sicking Feeling That Goes All The Way Down Into Your Stomach

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Stella's P.O.V.

I was sitting on Hunter's tour bus couch I was alone. Hunter should be coming back on with his band a little later. I was going to go to his show with them but I really don't feel to well. I threw up like 600 times after they left. I might be coming down with a cold or I have food poisoning from the the place we had stopped for dinner yesterday. And I'm placing all my money on food poisoning because the guys don't feel all that well either. I hope they don't throw up on stage or on the fans that would be embarrassing. 

I got up from the couch and poured myself a glass of ginger ale. I heard the door open and without looking I asked "Hey guys do you all want a glass?" 

I turned around to see Kim with her hands on her hips and she was saying "GOD HE'S STILL WITH YOU.." she sat on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"My Hunter Bear invited me"

"No he didn't you guys aren't even talking anymore"

"Oh honey is that what he's been telling you?"

Was Hunter lying to me this whole entire time? I thought to myself.

"No you need to go" I whacked her feet right off the coffee table. "RIGHT NOW" I pointed to the door. She got up and went into the bathroom laughing. I crossed my arms. The tour bus door flew open and the boys came in all sweaty and yelling at each about who's going to do the dishes. They all took one look at me and must have sensed I was angry because they all looked at Hunter saying "ohhh you're in trouble big guy... WHAT DID YOU DO NOW?" they all laughed and left the room to their bunks to give us some privacy. 

"Hey gorgeous" Hunter told me.

"Hey" Kim said from behind me and Hunter rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here Kim?" he asked her.

"You called me remember silly?" 

"No I didn't. I don't even have your number anymore. Stella erased it."

"Ok you didn't exactly call me I just saw you were in town and it was like you were calling my beautiful name......Great show by the way"    

"How did you get on my bus?" 

"Security let me up they must have remember you and I being friends" 


"SO you didn't call her?" I asked Hunter butting into the conversation.

"NO Why would I?"

"So we can be together" Kim said butting back into the conversation.

I head the guy cracking up from their bunks. "As if" Matt said and the guys started laughing again.

"You need to go we are never going to happen again" Hunter said after a while of compete and utter silence.

"Hear what he just told you Stella bye bye" Kim said waving her hand.

"I'm like 3,000% sure he was talking to you Kim" I told her scoffing.

"I was talking to you Stella" Hunter told me.

"Wait what Hunter?" 

"Yeah I'm not happy in this relationship never was. I was just you know"

"Using you" Kim said finishing his sentence.

"Yeah and I called Kim over so we could get together again but this time not behind your back" Hunter said smiling at Kim. 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now