Chapter 63- And With That He Was Gone

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Stella's P.O.V.

I walked into my house talking to Violet over the phone. I talked to her the whole time I was at the store doing some shopping "Alright Vi I love you too..Alright bye bye now no you hang up funny lady...Fine whatever bye" I laughed. I hung up the phone... She's so weird I thought to myself.

"Hey Gramps I'm home I got your favorite" I put all the groceries down in the front room I had nothing cold other than Ice Cream but I can care less about it I just wanted to see my Grandfather's face light up when he see's that I got his favorite food. I pulled out Cranberry applesauce from one of the bags. I don't know how he likes this stuff it's pretty gross. I walked into the kitchen he was sitting there in his wheelchair he didn't move a muscle it looked like since I left. He looked super pale ghost pale. 

"Grandpa?" I grabbed him and shook him he didn't move and he was very cold "Gramps?" I put my ear to his moth he wasn't even breathing. I step back and I dropped the applesauce it shattered and my legs buckled from under me and I fell into the glass. I couldn't breath how could this be happening he was supposed to get better. "Grandpa please get up and get better who is supposed to watch Dallas with me huh? Grandpa who's supposed to walk me down the aisle when I get married you promise me Grandpa you promise me you will show me the way to the world you said you'll never ever leave me you promised" I yelled at him. "I didn't let go so why did you huh why did you?" I shook him and I sat down on the floor holding his hand. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you were leaving.. But why did you send me out Grandpa why!!?" I sat there just holding his hand and crying sitting in the glass. I got up couple minutes later. 

I heard a shh but I don't where it came from it can be from my lack of sleep. I walked to the house rotary phone and called 911. I sat outside and waited for them to arrive.

20 Minutes Later they were taking him out of the house I looked away not wanting to see him in a black bag. 

"Ma'am I'm so sorry for your loss" one of the ambulance track guys told me.

"Me too" I looked up at him and broke down crying. I sat on my steps as they closed the truck doors. I felt super cold all of sudden and my shoulders felt heavy as I sat there by myself. It faded as the car went out of sight. And just then did I realize that my Grandfather was no longer here with me. I show how felt relieve. I knew he wasn't hurting anymore. 


Author's Note 

My little sis just asked me if I was crying at my own story and I was like no and wiped my face she was like Oh my lol... 

This chapter has to be the hardiest one I have wrote so far. This one is just so sad.. I'm so sorry if  I made you all cry so sorry.

Thanks everyone for reading chapter 63- And with that he was gone..

Thanks :) <3 ;) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now