Chapter 13- Grandfather?

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Stella's P.O.V

"Hmmmm Hhaha Hunter" he kisses my lips. His hand started up my back. I kiss him back and I put my arms around his neck. My hands went into his hair messing it up a little bit. I push him towards the bed and push him on to it. I sat on top of him and I kiss his cheek. He smiled he does that a lot when he is around me. His smile is so nice. I heard a door slam shut and I jumped up from my dream. I was in my bed.....alone.......

"God Damn it" I breathed. I wanted to see where that was going. Its been 3 days since mine and Hunters third date and we haven't talked since then. I want to talk to him but I been so busy with my Grandfather he hasn't been feeling well. I haven't even left the house since the date. Sometimes I just want to run away so I don't have all this responsibility hanging over my head but I don't think he would even last a day with out me. Who else would care for him he is basically bed written he can walk but not for long and the doctor's hate when is up for more than 5 minutes. I love my grandfather but he is a pain at times. I want to go out on Fridays and Saturdays nights I know if I asked him he would let me he would tell me sure go on ahead but lets not make this into an every weekend thing I want to continue watching Dallas with you (We watch it every weekend and weeknight when ever we can watch it.) I know he wants me to go out every weekend he tells me that all the time. I just choose not too. I don't know why but I'm afraid one day I will come home and my Grandfather will be still and cold like how Buffy found her mother from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I don't ever want to see him like that. I never seen a dead person before and I want to keep it that way. I want to see him well not cold. I remember I heard a bang coming from another room. I got up and ran down the long hallway looking into my Grandfather room he wasn't there or in the bathroom. I looked everywhere up stairs. I ran down stairs I was afraid I was scared. I ran down them I almost fell I went as fast as I possibly could. I yelled "Grandfather Where are you" I heard a groan coming from the kitchen. I ran right into the kitchen door it flipped open and I fell felt on my face.

I got up real fast. I didn't even see if I was alright I just need to see if he is alright. I see him by the fridge.

"Hey Hey Hey you're OK come on get up? What are you doing on the floor? Why are you down here? I'm sorry I over slept. Grandpa?"

He didn't even move one.

I put my face against his chest I put my fingers to his neck and then my ear to his mouth he was breathing but faintly. Thank God.. I got up and ran into the front room I was shaking. I grabbed the house rotary phone and I dialed 9-1-1

911 Operator-

"Hello what's your emergency?"

Me- "Uhm Hello my Grandfather he fell I think and he is breathing but faintly and he is not responding to me at all".

911 Operator-

"What's your address Sir"?

Me-" I'm a girl" (What a bitch. I thought. why is insulting me?)

911 Operator-

"Sorry you're breaking up your address please?"

Me- (Yeah like hell I was) Oh my address 1111 South Walnut street in Tennessee"

911 Operator-

We're sending an ambulance right now

She hanged up leaving me alone

I hung up the phone and ran back into the kitchen. I looked at my grandfather and said "Come on old man!!! Get Up!!. I need you!!! Get up!!!" I pushed a little on his chest. I screamed "Sorry Sorry I didn't mean too" I moved myself away from him afraid that I would hit him again I sat against the fridge just looking at him. What did I do? How could I over sleep like that he probably tried to walk down here to eat or to grab his drink. A single tear ran down my face I wiped it off. I need to be strong for him I need to man up and not act like a child its grown up woman time.

I heard the sirens I ran into the living room and swung the door open and the guys came in saying.

"Where is he"?

"He is in the kitchen follow me" We all walked fast. They got to work. I stood in the corner.

"Hey. Ma'ma. Ma'ma.?"

I looked up and at then at them "Are you riding with us?"

"Yes" We walked I grabbed my shoes that were by the door I also grabbed my keys and purse that were sitting on the table. I walked out of my house I locked up and I see the guys waiting for me I jumped in and we drove to the hospital.

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن