Chapter 21- Hot Dogs

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Stella's P.O.V.

Did he really just say that too me. I don't know what to say to that.... Oh GOD Help Me Here. Do I kiss him? Slap him? No slapping him... right.... Kiss him... I smiled at him then grabbed his face I was going to kiss his lips but lost that courage so I kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to go back to the waiting room?" he blushed from me kissing his cheek.

"Sure Hunter" he got up from his seat and held out his hand for me to hold. I looked at it and then looked up at him.. He was full of all smiles. And his cheeks were still bright red from me kissing him.. It was cute. I gladly took his hand. His smile became even bigger. I think he is still a bit mad at me which is OK because I would be too but I'm glad he is at least talking to me and wants to hold my hand without me asking him to.

I want and should ask him out but I'm afraid to ask him I never asked a guy before well once but he spit in my face and laughed and then walked away with all his friends.

I know Hunter wouldn't do that too me hell he would probably say yes but you just never know with boys. Or he might even say nah I'm with Kim I have no interest in you I'm just trying to make Kim jealous...

I shook my head and thought to myself he isn't with Kim.. Why do I even care if they are friends or not friends who am I to say he can or can't. I have only seen her once or twice and I don't even know her. I think it bothers me because I know she is like in love with him which I get but I'm to am in love with him.

Me and Hunter sat in a benchy thingy I was shaking like crazy for two reasons... one I was terrified for my Gramps. Two I was freezing. Hunter got up and took of his jacket and handed it to me... I just looked at him dumbfounded..

"Here Stella take it" he held it out to me as he looked down at me.

"Wouldn't you get cold Hunter?"

"No Please take it" he shook his jacket.

"I'm good really" he gave me that look that says I'm gonna throw it on your lap if you don't put it on.... Hehehe I use that look quite a lot.

"Come on Stella Here" he held it out closer to me.

I took it "Well thank you Hunter" he shook his head and sat back down and he turned his attention to the TV. He started laughing when one of the girls came on.

"Do you know this show?" I asked him. He seemed really into it even though there was no sound.

"Yeah its Top Gear its a show about cars. I love this show.. I try to watch every episode or I just record them and watch them later whenever I want.. Cable is life" he said with a chuckle he most know how ridiculously cute he sounds.

"Is the show any good?"

"It's amazing.. You might like it because of all the classic cars" he looked at me with that smiles of his that can light up the world.

Just then the doctor came walking into the waiting room telling everyone to go on home visiting/waiting hours are over. I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to go. I haven't been away from my Grandpa in so long. I don't want to go home to an empty house.

"Oh man the good part was about to come on" I smiled at him he's such a dork I love that about him. The doctor turned off all the TV sets. Hunter frowned. Then looked at me then getting up and pulling up his pants.

"Would you like me to drive you home Stella?"

"Ohm could you Hunter I was going to take the bus but I forgot they don't run at 1 am. I actually didn't think this through." I told him real fast. I started laughing because I sounded so stupid.

"Yeah I don't mind at all come on" he reached out his hand I took it real fast. He looked surprised that I took his hand just like that with out a second thought.

I love how he always wants to hold my hand even tho we aren't dating and it seems like its not for boyfriend points which just makes me smile because he is doing this just because he wants too. 

"Hey do you mind if we go get something to eat first I haven't ate real food all day... My treat"

"Sure I'm starving" he looked over at me and gave me a look that read that I wasn't paying.

We walked out of the hospital hand in hand. And we searched for his car. We found it in 21 minutes and on the 21st floor in the 21st spot. "I feel so dumb how did I forget you were here baby?"

I forgot he had baby she looked even my more pretty than before which is weird because she was covered in mud due to last week's rain. I was drooling over his car she was just so freaking pretty.

"Hey cutie when you wipe your face you can come over here and drive her if you want to" he held up the keys showing me them.

"OH MY GOD REALLY HUNTER???" he shook his head yes and I walked to the driver side of the car he handed me the keys and opened the car door for me.

He is so freaking awesome. He got in on the passenger side and buckled up and so did I he then told me what all the gears did and I just looked at him.

"Sorry I can guess by the face you are giving me that you alrighty now how to drive it so I'm just gonna sit back and pray to GOD you don't mess up my car" He winked at me and sat back in his seat saying "Please don't hurt her".

"I won't Hun I promise" He gave me an awkward forced smile.

"So what do you want to eat" he asked me after a whole.

"Uhm I don't know.. Food is food to me. What do you feel like?" I asked him while still looking over at the road.

....Complete Awkward Silence....

"How about hot dogs?" We both asked at the same time we looked at each other and started bursting out laughing.

We then said "Ok I guess its decided what we are getting" we said in unison again which just made us laugh even more.

I parked into a very random hot dog shop after 20 more minutes in the car.

"Is this alright with you Hunter?"

"Hot dogs are hot dogs" he stuck out his head out the window. I guess to make sure I didn't parked his car end into anything.

I heard a sign escape his lips. I laughed at him. He's such a dork.

We walked into the shop and order hot dogs with everything on it....

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now