Chapter 102- The Baby Shower

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Stella's P.O.V.

*1 Week Later*

Today was Violet's baby shower and no boys were allowed to our funkiness so Donny had to go to mine and Hunter's house to hang out. And Hunter wasn't to thrill about that idea he really doesn't like Donny because couple months ago Donny and I had gotten into a fight about rap music and he called me some mean names and I hit him but Hunter wasn't mad about me hitting him. Also I kinda told Hunter I went on a date with Donny when we were in high school he liked me and I was trying to be nice and get to know him because I knew Violet liked him and I wanted to see if he was an alright kind of guy for her. I told Hunter if he hang out with Donny I would do something for him he is still debating on the favor he'll probably drag me to something music related again. 

The doorbell ranged and I opened Vi's front door and a bunch of her girlfriend pilled in I didn't know anyone I invited to her party she just gave me a list. There about 40 something girls here to surprise her. She doesn't know I'm throwing her a party today she's out of her house right now with Tiffany her other best friend. I was finishing the last of the decorations and the other girls sat on the couch and just looked at me. It's like it's fine I got this don't strain a muscle or anything jeez. My phone beeped "Hey guys game time let's hide" I told them.

Vi came into the house complaining about the traffic and how she needs to pee. "SURPRISE" I screamed as I came out of my hiding place everyone came out after me because apparently they don't know how to count 5 seconds. 

"AHH...... OH MY GOD GUYS THANK YOU" she hugged me saying "THANK YOU SO MUCH STELLA" 

"You're welcome Violet" she kissed my cheek then she released me she went around hugging all her other guest. I sat down on the couch and grabbed a chip I took a bite and some people looked at me "What?" I asked them.

An older lady leaned over the couch saying "It's not polite to eat before the baby mama eats first" 

"Baby mama?" 

"Violet" she told me.

"Oh! and said who?" I asked.

"Tradition" she told me. 

"Alright hey Vi finish my chip won't you?" she took it from me and ate it. "See all better now" I told them sarcastically and I grabbed the bowl from the table. 

We gave her tons of presents she received 100's and 100's of cute baby boy outfits. 

The party was over and it was kinda really boring no one talked to me since I ate a chip and they all surrender Vi so I couldn't even talk to her. And earlier I brought out the cake that I worked so hard on and I went to cut everyone a piece but I forgot the plates so I turn to grab them and a girl was alrighty cutting it. It's like really then she asked if she had cut everyone a piece I was like you didn't get mine yet and she walked out of the room not even acknowledging me and there wasn't even any cake left they ate all of it. So that was so much fun but you know I'm over it been through much worse besides I took something better than cake I went into Vi's baby craven cabinet and got me 2 strawberry shortcake hostess cakes and that was much better. 

The last guest left and I was cleaning up and Vi was helping "You know Vi you should really go sit down I got the clean up"

"Later there's a lot to clean up for one person" I didn't want her cleaning up she's close to her due date. 

*10 minutes later*

I was doing the dishes and I looked over at Vi who was drying the dishes. Her grey pants all of sudden turned wet. "VIOLET OH MY GOD I THINK YOU'RE WATER JUST BROKE"

"WHAT?" she looked down.

"WE NEED TO GO" I stopped the water and called Hunter. 

"Hello?" he asked all grumpy like.

"Get Donny down to the hospital Vi's in labor"

"Alright hold on...... Hey stupid your wife is in labor...Hey don't give me crap I'll make you walk there...  Stella we will be there alright"

"Alright" I got Vi into my car and I got in and started driving her and I told her "It's about time that little guy came out to say hi he's been baking forever."


Author's Note

Sorry for the kinda boring chapter nothing really happened here but stick with me next chapter brings some drama which is going to be awesome I like the drama coming but anyway that's all I'm saying about the drama you guys just have to read to find out about it. The picture above is what Stella did for Violet's baby shower. It's so adorable. 

Well anyway thanks so much for reading I'll be updating really really soon. 

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Thanks so much you guys :) <3 ;) 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now