Chapter 37- The One and Only

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Stella's P.O.V.

I looked behind me and Hunter did the same to see the one and only Kimberly. I saw Hunter roll his eyes and looked back to the street he looked like he honestly didn't care about her which is good I knew in his heart that he did even though he wasn't showing it. I know it's not in caring way like I'm in love with you or I like you way. But it was in a brotherly kind of way. She walked up and sat in between me and Hunter I gave her a look and so did Hunter we both scooted to the side a bit so she wasn't sitting in our laps.

"Hey Hunter" she told him.

"Kim what do you want" he got up from where he was sitting.

"Hunter I want to talk to you"

"WOW shocker... There's nothing to talk about Kim" he reached out his hand for me but Kim toke it before I did he rolled his eyes and he once again held out his hand for me to take and I toke it this time. 

"I'm serious Hunter come on. Just ten minutes?" she asked him.

"Nope" he popped the p. 

" Five minutes?" 

"Nope" he let the p pop again. I know he is just saying no and whatever but the way he was doing that just makes him look all kinds of sexy. I grabbed his hand and said "I want to dance.. See you later Kim" me and Hunter went to the dance grass across the street. We slowed dance while everyone else rocked out to the rock song that was playing loudly.

"Hey thanks for getting me out of that one Stella" he whispered in my ear.

"No problem. That's what girlfriends are for getting their guy out of stupid annoying business" I laughed a little bit.

"Want to know something Stella?"

"What Happy Feet?" 

"I love you" he told me I almost didn't hear him say it. But it still sounded amazing to hear him say that to me I didn't think anyone would ever want to say that to me.

"I love you too Hunter" I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards his mother. "Hey Mrs. Hayes can you do me a quick favor?" 

"Of course. What do you need sweetheart?"

"Could you possibly take a picture of me and Hunter please?" I gave her a puppy dog face she smiled and said "Of course I can" I handed her my phone and me and Hunter got real close and smiled for the camera. She took a bunch of pictures every time we moved she told us to stay put and she would snap even more pictures. 

She finally stopped after a couple more and I walked up to her and she gave me back my phone. "Thank you so much Mrs. Hayes" I gave her a hug as I thank her. 

"You're welcome sweetheart" she told me then getting in a conversation she seemed a bit drunk.

I walked back over by Hunter telling him "You know I really like your mother and don't give me that look"

"If you like her so much why don't you marry her" he joked.

"You think she will go for that?" I joked along with him we laughed. 

We were talking to some people and Hunter left to go to the bathroom. He was gone for a long time. So I decided to look for somewhere to sit and wait for him to come back. I found out that the party wasn't really in his back yard there were a few people but not many I found a bench swing  and I happily sat down on it my feet were killing me and it was cold now and I could see my breath. Hunter came out of the house with a throw blanket a couple minutes later.

"Hey I found you" he sat down next to me and he put the whole blanket on me. I didn't want him catching a cold so I put some of the blanket on him. I laid my head on his shoulder. I kissed his neck and his jaw he looked at me just as he went in to kiss me I heard Kim saying "Well isn't this the cuties site in the entire world" she sounded super jealous and hurt. Hunter moved rolling his eyes. 

"Kim what do you want now?" he told her getting annoyed.

"Hunter can we just talk for like three minutes?" he looked at me wanting me to decided if he should or not and I told him "Well I think you should because she isn't going to leave us alone"

"Fine 3 minutes start talking" he told her.

"Alone Hunter" she told him getting annoyed.

"No" he told her I hit him playfully on his back. "Really......" I shook my head. "Fine Kim" he got up saying "Three minutes that's all you get". He gave me one last uneasy look and followed Kim to a quiet spot. 

I really wish she leave us alone after their talk I really want a nice quiet rest of the evening with Hunter only I thought to myself. 


Author's Note

Hey everyone thanks for reading chapter 37 the one and only that means a lot to me. So please come back and read chapter 38 

Thanks so much love you guys  :) <3 

Storm Warning (A Hunter Hayes Fan Fiction) *Book One of The Storm Warning Chronicles*Where stories live. Discover now